Jxdn Concert Pauses Due to Fans Fainting.

Courtney Brown
4 min readSep 11, 2023


Concert Safety

original publishing date April 13, 2023.

“Sleep, eat, sit, keep cool, and stay out of the crowd”

Figure 1 Recording artist Jxdn performs at Jannus Live. Courtesy of Courtney Brown.

Pop punk artist Jxdn had to momentarily pause his April 3 concert at Jannus Live in St. Petersburg after multiple fans fainted in the outdoor venue.

During Jxdn’s and opener, Beauty School Dropout’s three-hour set time, there was three incidences where the concert paused, and security had to help a fan out of the crowd who had seemingly passed out.

Jannus Live gates opened for concert-goers at 7pm for the 8pm concert. Fan accounts for the headliner reported a handful of fans camping outside of the venue as early as noon that day. “There is between 30 & 40 people in line for today’s show,” Tweeted Twitter user: @Jxdnsontour.

In an article from The Washington Post they report reasons for the causes of fainting at concert based on researchers Thomas Lempert and Martin Bauer and their interviews with 40 victims.

“ ”sleeplessness during the previous night, (…) fasting from early in the morning, when they had first lined up, (…) a long period of standing in the arena, (…) hyperventilation”(…) “induced either by screaming or reflexively by external compression of the thorax by the pushing masses,” ” Wrote the Washington Post.

The researchers offered advice for fans: “sleep, eat, sit, keep cool, and stay out of the crowd. But what teenage fan will do that?” according to The Washington post.

Fortunately for Jannus Live attendees, most of these are achievable.

Concert anticipation is a feeling like no other and can seem like something worth losing sleep over. For fans who plan on camping outside of Jannus Live, luckily most of the area is covered by shade and awnings alongside Downtown St. Petersburg’s sidewalks. From this, fans should be able to stay cool and hopeful catch a nap on the lap of a friend. Downtown is also mostly clean of trash so feel okay sitting on the ground.

To address the issue of food and hydration, be glad that the concert venue is conveniently placed directly besides Joey Brooklyn’s Famous Pizza Kitchen where you can buy NY style pizza by the slice as well as cool drinks.

Staying out of the crowd is a piece of advice that is easier said than done, especially for young fans who have spent weeks waiting for the favorite artist to come to town. Being at arm’s length with an artist is just something most concert goers dream of and will do anything possible to achieve, even if that involves hurting others.

Kristin Stigaard who markets concerts for live nation quotes her companys policy saying, “If you see something, say something.”

Stigaard goes on to shed a light on security at Jannus Live.

“When promoters put on shows at the venue, the security team is usually staffed by the venue. They staff security according to the number of people who have bought tickets to the show,” Said Stigaard.

The Jxdn concert had not been sold out, so it is likely that there was not as much security as other shows. Despite the capacity of the venue, the environment also plays a part. Janus Live is an outside venue. The low temperature for the day of the concert was 72 F.

“It’s an outdoor venue that can get packed easily regardless of if it’s a sold-out show or not there’s elemental factors to deal with along with people not drinking enough water or drinking too much alcohol,” Said Stigaard.

Jannus live made sure to card attendees and mark an ‘X’ for people under 21. Also, during pauses in-between sets they handed out cases worth of water bottles to the crowd.

Despite their best efforts to keep patrons hydrated, most found themselves sharing water bottles with those around them, and begging strangers for sips out of theirs.

College freshman Amber Rivere talks about her reaction to other fans fainting during the show.

“I did get a little nervous, but I just hope that they are going to be okay. It’s kind of a weird situation to be in because after, you just move on like nothing happened and it’s sad that’s it’s kind of normal that people do pass out at concerts for wherever reason” she said.

“But, everyone knows what to do, like to back up, call for help, give them water, and to make sure that in whatever need’s necessary to get help from either the artist or security,” said Rivere.



Courtney Brown

Everyone has a story, go out and write them! Former University of South Florida journalism student.