
13 min readJul 8, 2020



‘Gentlemen welcome to my humble establishment,’ Rahab told the travellers who had come to her lodges for the night. She was known all over Jericho as the prostitute because she entertained men and had relations with them. That did not matter to Rahab she did her job well and if she was known for it, the better the business was for her. Men graced her establishment day in , day out and because of that she gained stories and tails from outside their land Jericho.

Inside her house which was to the walls of Jericho she always kept flax which the women she was with were busy preparing to keep on the roof. It was a small establishment, she had no complains because the men paid well and that could keep her through the seasons.

‘Indeed, indeed we have come from far off lands and you wouldn’t believe what is going on?’ the men told her.

‘What could warrant such fascination, my lords?’ she asked them curious as usual.

‘There is a tribe, they call themselves Israelites.’ The men said some of them nodding their heads sideways as if it was bad for them to mention the people they spoke of

‘Israelites, of course I have heard of them my lords, but what have they done that you speak of them as if you fear them?’

‘They have a mighty army, should their sight fall on your land then they will surely conquer it.’ One of them said sighing.

‘They speak in the name of their god which they say is the one true God creator of these lands and this God cannot be seen, he just appears in the form of a cloud and visions to some of their men.’ Another said

‘Huh, this God is above our Rah?’ Rahab asked them confused

‘Haven’t you heard of their tales woman, I thought you told us you knew of them?’ one of the men got angry but Rahab knew how to soothe their ego.

‘My Lord, certainly I did, but I had heard in whispers so I just dismissed the tales but I must say I am curious, wouldn’t you take pleasure in telling me, I will be at your disposal tonight.’ The man having been assured relaxed and started telling Rahab of these strange tribe with a strange God. Rahab sat next to him eager to get new gossip as usual it would serve a purpose in entertaining other men who would visit her house daily.

‘The stories I have heard is that they were from Egypt and there , their god brought calamity upon the people of Egypt when their Pharaoh had refused to let them go as they had requested. The calamities are what frightens people, blood all over the river, frogs, gnats and flies filled the of land of Egypt at that time,’ the man told her

‘All this were terrible am sure they were released if not for the Egyptians to find relief.’

‘No the pharaoh at the time, still held them captive ,then this their God brought more calamity, the Egyptian animals started dying but those of the Israelites, not even a single one died.’

‘What about the Egyptian gods could they not defend their people?’ Rahab asked bewildered and more curious.

‘Woman won’t you let me finish the tale before you interrupt, I have travelled far and I need my rest.’ The man rebuked.

‘Pardon me my Lord, continue.’ She had to humble herself to get the information for no one had enough knowledge of the Israelites as this man seemed to have,

‘Their God brought upon them boils, hail, then locusts , then a darkness that could speak but pharaoh refused still that’s when their God killed all the Egyptian firstborns then they were released. That was just the beginning of the wonders their God performed.’

‘How mighty this God is, He defeated even the Egyptian god’s.’ Rahab marveled.

‘That is not all, he killed their army.’ One of the men who were with her listening as well commented.

‘Yes, Pharaoh decided to go after them after they had left, in that time they were nearing the Red sea, then their God divided the sea so that there was a dry pathway between the waters and they crossed to the other side but when the Egyptian soldiers tried to cross the waters came back together and swept them away.’

‘I have never heard of a god who did that?’ Rahab commented in a murmur but the men heard.

‘Woman do you forget whom you serve, or you want to be one of them?’ they asked her but she just smiled at them

‘Forgive my ignorance my Lords, tell me more , I am just curious maiden, who delights in tales?’ she cajoled

‘some of the stories are hushed and even we do not know unless we become close to them we will not know, but everywhere they go they conquer , saying that this God they serve promised them Canaan as their Land.’ One said

‘I was told that they received manna in the wilderness when they did not have food.’ Another said.

‘Do you forget how they defeated the kings of the Amorites, Sihon and Og.’ The people of the house trembled in fear when they imagined the terror that had befallen the Amorites.

Rahab had a conviction at that moment; she was convinced that the Israelites’ God was not like any she had encountered on the lands.so she took every opportunity she had to learn more about the Israelites and their God, every visitor she would vet for stories on those people and they would tell her of the little they knew and she continued to labor for more information. All around her the people of Jericho feared the Isralites as they heard they were heading to their lands but Rahab took that opportunity to gather more tales which she told to her family and household.

Strange visitors

Rahab was so in tune with the happenings within the walls that when she heard whispers of strange men in the city, she was quick to welcome them in her house. It was just like any other day for her, her keep was alive with entertaining guests and the people went about their business though there was fear in looming in their hearts. They were unsettled by the victories of the Israelites.

When Rahab saw this strange men, she remembered the stories of the Israelites, could they be? She asked herself, something drew her to them, and she did not understand the strange feeling that came upon her. So she welcomed them to satisfy her curiosity.

‘You are not from these parts of the Lands.’ She inquired conversationally sensing that the men were not on her usual business.

‘But we are from these parts of the lands.’ They told her but she knew they were strange men and so did not disturb them further but she was disturbed as she settled them in their rooms.

In other parts of the town, the people driven by fear went and told the King that there were spies among them.

‘Where are the spies, how did they pass unnoticed by the gates?’ The king bellowed out in anger.

‘We saw them by the prostitutes place.’ The people who went to the king told him and so the King took his soldiers and set out to find the spies. Some of the women who worked flax in the house of Rahab heard what was going on and told her. Rahab took the men and hid the on the roof where she kept the flax and went out when was summoned.

‘Bring out the spies that have come to you.’ The King told her, straightening herself in confidence she said.

‘Which men, my king, for my house hosts guests and travelers every day?’

‘You dare keep men, who have come out to search the land and destroy us?’ the king shouted

‘No, my king I ask of the men you speak so I can let them out to you.’ Rahab answered bowing her head but not cowering.

‘Very well, two men were seen coming to your house today, where are they?’

‘Yes, my lord, it is true the men came to me, but I did not know where they were from, and when the gate was about to be closed at dark, the men went out. I do not know where they went. Please pursue them quickly, for you will overtake them.’ She told them and King satisfied with her reply went out with the soldiers in search of the spies on the way to Jordan not knowing that she had hid the men. The gate was shut after the pursuers had gone out and that gave her time to save the men.

She came up to them on the roof to them before they could come down. She had just risked her life for them, if someone saw them then her efforts would have gone to waste.

‘I know you are Israelites.’ She said smiling unto them; the men said nothing so she continued

‘I know that the Lord has given you this land, why else would you have come, I know that the fear of you has fallen upon us and that all the inhabitants of the land melt away before you.’ The men did not utter a word they just stared at her

‘I have listened to stories, heard of how the Lord dried up the water of the red sea before you came out of Egypt and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, to Sihon and Og, who you devoted to destruction.’ Rahab paused she had never imagined telling this stories as she did but she felt compelled to talk to this men so she continued

‘As soon as we heard it, our hearts melted and there was no spirit left in any man because of you for the Lord your God, he is the God in the heavens above and the earth beneath.’ Finally she had claimed what she knew all along .The God of Israel was the one true God. She took the hands of the men in hers and pleaded

‘Please swear to me by the Lord that as I have dealt kindly with you, you will also deal kindly with my father’s house, and give me a sure sign that you will save alive my father and mother, my brothers and sisters and all who belong to them and deliver our lives from death.’ She looked unto them hopeful. The men knew that it was God speaking through her that she would say all those things to them

‘Our life for yours even to death.’ The men told her. ‘If you do not tell this of ours, then when the Lord gives us the Land we will deal with you kindly and faithfully.

She took a rope after having the assurance and promising to keep silent and through the window let them down the wall.

‘Go into the hills, or the pursuers will encounter you, and hide there three days until the pursuers have returned. Then afterward you may go your way.’ Rahab could not hide them anymore but she knew the lands and places to hide that is where she told them to go.

‘We will be guiltless with respect to the oath of yours that you have made us swear. When we come into the land, tie this scarlet cord in this window you have let us go with and gather into your house your father, mother brothers and your entire father’s household. If anyone will be out on the streets at the time then his blood shall be on his own head and if you tell this business of ours, then we shall be guiltless.’ Then told her

‘According to your words, so be it,’ Rahab watched them depart and knew that their God would be with them as had helped her. She wondered how a prostitute like her should be saved and others destroyed but for the first time in her life she felt at peace by what she had done. So she tied the scarlet cord on the window as they instructed. She had a task ahead convincing her family to gather in her home.

Time went by as Rahab went about the business of convincing her family to gather for a feast. She had sworn an oath that she would not tell people of what the men who came to visit her were to do, so told her family of a celebration and all of them were to be in her house. Her family members had also heard of the stories of the Israelites and when Rahab insisted the camp at her house for the festival they did not hesitate. Her parents would ask her why she was worried but she could not answer them and so they decided to respect her wishes.

Fall of Jericho

There were the sounds of trumpet and a multitude of people marching all around Jericho. Time for the fall of Jericho had come and so Rahab told her family of what she had learnt and of the one true God. She told them of her promise and how they would be rescued because of her kindness to the strange men. Her family believed in her and stayed put in her house although it could barely sustain them.

Through the wall the two men called to her.

‘Rahab we have no way inside for your gates are locked, please come out through the window just as you let us out.’ Rahab rejoiced and brought the rope down, One by one they helped each other down and when she was certain no one was left she climbed sown herself.

‘Thank you for remembering me and my family.’ She told the men

‘Thank the Lord for he has rewarded you for the great faith you have shown.’ Those words sounded foreign to her ears but she smiled at the man who had spoken to her none the less.

‘Who are you my Lord, what is your name?’ she asked

‘You may call me Salmon, a servant of the Lord. We have prepared a tent for you and your family, follow us.’ Rahab told her family and they went to the tent at the camp of Israel.

Rahab watched at the Israelites marched round Jericho singing and blowing trumpets and shouting to God and she marveled at this God who would destroy such a city as Jericho. She watched on as they matched seven times and shouted and the city walls came down in ruins, her family too was astonished by the happenings

‘Truly we are at the mercy of a powerful God, the creator of heavens and earth.’ Salmon who there with them heard and smiled at her. This woman who had shown great courage and kindness towards them as they were spies and towards her entire family. He was taken by her generosity. They watched as the city burned down with everything in it.

‘Such is the mighty works of God.’ He commented and Rahab shied away smiling as well.

‘What is to become of us now, we have no place to go?’ she asked him

‘Just as you had faith to hide us from death have faith that Our God will take care of you.’ Salmon replied. Rahab was content with that and so she and her family stayed among the Israelites, serving as the Israelites. Rahab learnt the ways of God as they traveled with Salmon and her family did so as well. She was told of the stories of the Israelites in the wilderness and how God punished them for their disobedience. She was told of their great leader Moses who spoke with God and his face would shine in glory after he had returned from communing with God.

Through their journey to Bethlehem she saw the Israelites commune and worship and she became dedicated at learning their customs and praying to the living God. She also saw how God destroyed the Israelites enemies before them and gave them refuge and victories of the lands.


Rahab become a child of God, going in the ways of God and all though her transformation Salmon was with her and noticed her.

‘Would you consider marriage to an Israelite?’ He asked her one day.

‘By birth I am a gentile as you say but I have given my life to your God.’ Rahab answered him evading the question.

‘Very clever, you have not answered me.’

‘I know, but why would you men chosen ones of God desire me, a gentile and a harlot?’ She asked him feeling weary. She knew that no man would offer marriage for her, she was ruined.

‘God renews his people, just as you have accepted him, he has renewed you. He does not see you for you were before but who you are now.’ He told her

‘I have more to learn and to gain from the teachings of the Lord.’ She said in determination

‘Yes, but look at us, we may be the God’s chosen people but we are sinful as everyone else but still God has mercy on us.’ Salmon said trying to comfort her.

‘Your words are indeed comforting. May I ask, why you asked me that question?’ she asked him finally lifting her bowed head and looking into his eyes.

‘I want you for my wife Rahab.’ She was shocked at his declaration. Before she could protest he told her ‘I know you think you are not worthy, but if God saw you worthy to be saves so who are you to question God? Please marry me?’

‘What would the people of your clan say?’ She asked afraid to say more

‘They will congratulate me Rahab.’ He told her and took her in his arms seeing that she was agreeable.

Salmon married Rahab the very next day. The celebrations continued through the week and a baby was conceived. Rahab and Salmon had great joy the day she gave birth. It was a boy whom they named Boaz.

Boaz was the father of Obed through Ruth and, Obed was the father of Jesse and Jesse was the father of David who was the great ancestor of Jesus. Through the act of kindness and Faith, Rahab the prostitute not only managed to save her entire family but she became one of the five women to be mentioned in the lineage of Jesus.

