Coming Home: Quick Impressions of IA Summit 2015

Dan Brown
2 min readApr 26, 2015


My professional community convenes physically and virtually many, many times a year. Web design has birthed countless conferences and events, locally, nationally, and internationally. But the one I anticipate year after year is the Information Architecture Summit. I’ve attended every year since 2000 but two (in 2001 for lack of funding and in 2011 because my son was just born). The Summit itself gets better every year: the volunteer organizers build on prior experiences, pairing an invigorating professional agenda with an inviting social scene.

I’ve known some of these people most of my career. Some I met within the last few years. Still others I met only minutes before. Regardless, there’s no other event where I feel so much at home, so much a part of a community. Whether picking up where we left off with a friend I haven’t seen in a year, or chatting with someone for the first time, no other professional event gets me so energized.

This year I got to (in no particular order):

And leave a day early, brain and heart full, so I could celebrate 18 years of marriage with my amazing wife.

I already can’t wait until next year.



Dan Brown

Designer • Co-founder of @eightshapes • Author of 3 books on UX • • Board gamer • Family cook