Browsers Lab — Alpha Version

Browsers Lab
4 min readMar 15, 2018


The blockchain solution for the software automation industry

A platform to reduce the expense associated with managing, creating and executing tests. Leveraging our platform will reduce the overall effort with setting up different environments, and viewing the results. Deliver with even greater confidence as our dashboard and metrics provide insight into how the tests are performing. Any team can benefit from our platform, small or large. From an individual to enterprise scale. Browsers Lab has your back.


Login to the account using email address and a password.

Login Page



Navigation Bar

  • Contains all navigation links

Organization Statistics

  • Total Duration: Total time of execution
  • Total Test: Number of available tests
  • Total Executions: How many tests have been executed
  • Total Scenarios: How many scenarios have you run so far.

Last 7 days summary

  • Shows the passed, failed, and skipped results for 7 days.

Test History

  • Shows currently queued, running and finished tests results

Organizational Calendar

  • Any events pertaining to your organization. Will be used to set up automatic executions.

To do List

  • Any to do tasks that are shared between an organization.


Page Objects

Add new Folder

  • Adds a new parent folder to the structure


  • Searches through the entire structure to find a match based on search criteria

Page Object Structure

  • Structure for all of your page objects that can be referenced in your tests.



Add new Folder

  • Adds a new parent folder to the structure


  • Searches through the entire structure to find a match based on search criteria

Tests Structure

  • Structure for all of your tests that can be executed.

Execute Button

  • Executes the selected tests. Tests can be selected by using the overflow menu icon (3 dots) and choosing add to run.



Results Page

  • Shows results for each execution
  • Shows details about the run
  • How long it took
  • What browser it was run against
  • When it was run
  • Who requested the test

Alpha Search Result

  • In the alpha phase, you can click this result to get more information.

Result Details



  • Shows the status of the execution


  • How many tests were run
  • What browser it was run against
  • When it was requested
  • Who requested the test

Details of test execution

  • These details are broken down by each test. Multiple tests will show in different line items
  • Information about the run:
  • Name of each tests
  • How long it took to run
  • How many tests passed, failed, and skipped
  • When the test execution started and when it ended
  • Results for each assets


  • Each execution will generate a specific number of screenshots
  • After each step, a screenshot is taken allowing the end user to follow along
  • Error screenshots are also posted at that location



Last 14 days summary

  • Shows the summary of the last 14 days
  • Future releases will make that customizable

Execute Rates

  • Shows how many passed, failed, or skilled
  • Breakdown is in percentage

Last 14 days Details

  • Shows details of what the results were on individual days

Future Release

Browsers Lab team is committed to this project. We plan to release new features into Browsers Lab, as stated on our roadmap. Here are a few:

  1. API Testings
    • No project would be complete without providing a backend and frontend support
    • Making API testing simpler is our goal, allowing our clients to automate from start to finish.
  2. Mobile Testing
    • Mobile applications are growing. Browsers Lab team will provide a way to automate your mobile applications without a need for a 3rd party application.
  3. Platform Independent Applications
    • Our goal is to make automation as simple as possible
    • Desktop Applications will be built for Windows, Mac OS and Linux for full support.
    • We plan to release, iOS and Android applications for our platform.
  4. We have many features on our timeline. We want to be a platform with all automation needs.
  5. At Browsers Lab, we believe in innovation. Let us help you streamline your automation process.

