New Portfolio Website

Tech Future
2 min readApr 2, 2022
New Personal Website

Here is my portfolio site I develop React.js applications and create my portfolio for future jobs and several different basic applications on project segments. I started to learn React deeply 5–6 months ago and right now I understand hooks and other things with some 1–2 months I can get well and I got a job about it.

I try to update the website with projects and similar things. I create mid-level applications and try to expand my skills while building things. The hard thing is to find a source and idea.

Projects from the portfolio site

As you can see if you go to page you can see the projects that are built by me. Some have sort of bugs but there are some basic apps and other kinds of things to observe.

Footer Part

As you can see at the footer, the GitHub profile is there. Therefore if you want to see the code that I wrote, go check out There you can find the source code of the applications.

This is mainly it. There are 9 apps right now and with ideas and tutorials, I try to expand this platform to a nicer context segment.

Thanks for reading

