Book Summary: Finding Me: A Memoir by Viola Davis

7 min readMay 26, 2024


This summary provides an overview of “Finding Me: A Memoir” by Viola Davis, capturing the key elements and themes of each chapter while highlighting the overarching narrative of her journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.


Viola Davis’s “Finding Me: A Memoir” is an insightful and poignant narrative of her life, from her destitute origins to her climb to the status of award-winning actor. Davis’s deeply personal novel delves with themes such as trauma, resilience, identity, and self-acceptance. Her tale is about overcoming difficulties and discovering her voice, both as an artist and as a person. Davis enables readers to comprehend the situations that shaped her, as well as the power she discovered within herself, through candid insights and moving stories.

Please Note: Due to the nature of any Book Summary, key plot details can be exposed so you need to be aware of this before reading the entire summary.

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Chapter 1: Roots

Viola Davis opens her memoir by discussing her family history and early life in Central Falls, Rhode Island. She discusses the tremendous poverty and tough situations that she and her five siblings endured. Her parents’ troubled relationship, as well as the ongoing instability in her childhood that paved the way for many of the issues she would endure as a child. Despite these challenges, Davis found refuge in her imagination and a growing passion for performing.

Chapter 2: The First Taste of Acting

Davis says she discovered her interest for acting during a school talent performance. This chapter dives into her early experiences with performing and how it helped her escape from her harsh reality. She discusses her engagement in acting programs and how these experiences provided her a sense of purpose and identity.

Chapter 3: High School Struggles

Davis had a turbulent high school experience. She recalls the prejudice and bullying she experienced, which exacerbated her sense of inadequacy and solitude. Despite these challenges, she succeeded academically and pursued acting, with encouragement from professors and mentors who saw her talent.

Chapter 4: College Years

Davis describes her attendance at Rhode Island College, where she studied theatre. She discusses her experiences with self-doubt and financial difficulties during this time. This chapter emphasizes her dedication and determination to perfect her craft despite several setbacks.

Chapter 5: Julliard

Receiving entrance to the elite Juilliard School was a watershed moment in Davis’ life. She reflects on the difficult training and fierce competition she encountered there. This chapter delves into the difficulties of adapting into an atmosphere where she frequently felt like an outsider, but it was also a place where she greatly improved her acting abilities.

Chapter 6: Early Career Challenges

After graduation, Davis encountered the hard reality of the acting industry. She discusses the difficulties of getting roles, particularly ones that allowed her to break out from stereotypical characters. This period was marked by financial difficulties and moments of severe doubt, but it also included minor wins that kept her pushing forward.

Chapter 7: Breakthrough Roles

Davis’s career began to take off with appearances in films like “Antwone Fisher” and “Doubt.” She explains her experiences on these locations, the relationships she formed, and how these roles affected her career. This chapter underlines the significance of these pivotal periods in her development as an important actress in Hollywood.

Chapter 8: Personal Life

Davis struggled to balance her professional and personal life. She shares details about her marriage to Julius Tennon and their road to being parents. This chapter takes an in-depth look at her family life, including the adoption of her daughter, Genesis, and how her family became a source of energy and motivation.

Chapter 9: The Help

“The Help” was a watershed moment in Davis’s career. She talks about the challenges of portraying Aibileen Clark and the movie’s public reception This role earned her critical acclaim and prominence, but it also sparked debates about race and representation in Hollywood, which Davis handles with candor and intelligence.

Chapter 10: How to Get Away with Murder

Davis’ performance as Annalise Keating in “How to Get Away with Murder” changed her life. She considers the impact of this role on her career and its importance in terms of representation. This chapter also delves into the pressures and responsibilities that comes with being a celebrity as well as being a role model.

Chapter 11: Awards and Recognition

Davis describes her historic Golden Globe, Emmy, and Oscar wins. She discusses the emotional significance of these events and what they meant to her personally and professionally. This chapter is about more than simply the praises; it’s about the validation and empowerment they provided.

Chapter 12: Social Activism

Davis’ commitment to social justice and activism is clear throughout her narrative. In this chapter, she recounts her involvement in a variety of causes, particularly those concerning racial and gender equality. Her advocacy work reflects her personal experiences and desire to effect change.

Chapter 13: Reflections on Identity

Davis explores deeply into her quest for self-discovery and acceptance. She emphasizes the need of understanding and accepting her identity as a Black woman in a primarily white workplace. This chapter is a realistic examination of the mental and external fights she has waged to be true to herself.

Chapter 14: Finding Me

In the concluding chapter, Davis reflects on her life and profession. She talks about the lessons she’s learned, the people who have impacted her, and the personal growth she’s gone through. This chapter captures her message about perseverance, love for oneself, and the constant process of discovering and defining oneself.


“Finding Me: A Memoir” by Viola Davis is a fascinating and inspirational account about a lady who overcame adversity to become one of the most acclaimed actors of her time. Davis’ journey is characterized by perseverance, endurance, and a steadfast commitment to honesty. Her narrative demonstrates the power of self-belief and the importance of confronting and accepting one’s past in order to construct a better future. Davis’ genuine and heartfelt memoir provides readers with a deep knowledge of her life, hardships, and accomplishments.

Remember you can get this audiobook for free courtesy of us and the Amazon Audible Books program by clicking here now.

Book Reviews:

This book currently has 20,303 reviews with an average rating of 4.8 stars. The following are a sample of the book reviews (if you would like to see more reviews click here):

“I liked that the author did not hold back. I liked that that she did not repeat the mistakes of her parents and siblings. A great read for kids that are ignored and marginalized by systems that are put in place to help them. This confirms that education, determination and grit are the keys to lifting oneself out of poverty. The book also speaks volumes about counseling with the right person and having a connection with God..”

“To tell your “truth” in a world where everyone is looking for someone worst off than they are, is a testament to the authenticity of Viola Davis. Her story should be required reading for every young performer! The work ethic displayed by Viola is true of someone who wants to beat the odds. She exemplifies the saying, it’s not how you start; it’s how you finish!” Great read and inspiration. Thank you for sharing! Excellent!”

“I loved this book. Her vulnerability to be open about her life was inspiring and heartfelt. I can’t put into words the respect and admiration for her drive and dedication. I would love to meet her and sit and talk and listen to her words of wisdom. Thank you for sharing your story Ms. Davis.”

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