Free lessons from Joe Theismann’s prostate

Bruce Bookman
4 min readOct 27, 2014


Red Flag One

There it is again. The biggest of red flags telling you to immediately run away and do not give any of your hard earned money to Joe. The standard FDA disclaimer is used and abused by the Big Supplement industry to allow them to skate under the law and avoid getting sued for selling worthless products that do nothing.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

Red Flag Two

Have you ever taken an antibiotic? Have you ever seen a celebrity shill for an antibiotic? If a medication or supplement or diet plan needs to sell itself by using celebrity shill, you can safely conclude that there is something not quite right. In this case the solution offered for prostate woes is a big fat Big Supplement lie.

Red Flag Three

Check out the asterisks below. Each of these “facts” are covered by the FDA avoidance language from above. These statements that seem to claim evidence of usefulness are simply not evaluated by the FDA.

Why not? The FDA has a rigorous set of test and steps that must be run through in order for it to approve substances for medical use and qualify as a drug. Those tests include requiring sufficient scientific evidence that the substance has a measurable effect. If you claim something lowers the number of bathroom stops, you must prove to the FDA through rigorous studies that is true. But the Big Supplement Fat Cats and Joe don;’t want to do that… because they can’t. The evidence is not on their side. What they want, rather than to help you with prostate issues, is to TAKE YOUR MONEY.

Red Flag Four

Have you ever taken an antibiotic? Have you ever been given an antibiotic for “free”? If someone is trying to give you medicine for free — watch out. Joe here is claiming to give you these useless supplements for free. There’s always a catch. Read this fine print carefully

“Pay only shipping and handling for your Free 30-day supply, and for added convenience, we’ll also include membership to our exclusive auto-replenishment program — so you never have to miss a day of Super Beta Prostate. There is absolutely no minimum purchase required and you can cancel at anytime. Starting 30 days from your order date, you’ll receive a new 60-day supply every two months at the guaranteed low price of just $79.90 plus $8.99 S&H per shipment, which will conveniently be charged to the card you provide today unless you call to cancel”—

It’s the old “opt-out” trick. These scammers count on the fact that you will forget. That you will ask for your free supplements and forget that you wanted to cancel this auto-replenishment program. Heck they should call it the automatic scam program. Or the “automatically transfer money from the sucker to Joe”

Red Flag Five

The last red flag is simply bad science. A quick and short analysis of each of the ingredients in this Big Supplement scam:

Originally published at on March 3, 2014.

