The Bardo of Meditation

Bruce McGraw
8 min readDec 16, 2022
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The Bardo of Meditation is where we focus most directly on realizing the nature of mind. It is here that we develop the practices to confront the nature of our mind and learn to tame it. It is here that we train and make our preparation for death. If we do our due diligence here, we can create a very nice death indeed, however, if not, then we could be in for a very rough ride.

As we said in earlier articles, a bardo is an interval or gap between two moments. The Bardo of Meditation is the gap where we dwell in the nature of mind between the leaving and returning of our ordinary confused states of mind.

The Bardo of Meditation is the last of the three bardos of life. In previous articles I covered Bardos in General here , and the first and second of the three Bardos of Life: the Bardo of this Life here and the Bardo of Dream here The last bardo of life, which I will cover in this article, is the Bardo of Meditation.

Non-Conceptual Awareness

In the Bardo of Meditation, when we emerge from that deep absorption in Samadhi or non-conceptual awareness, we have two choices. We can use that state of deep absorption to further our journey into the experience of mind, or we can return to our ordinary disturbed and confused mind. One path points the way to ultimate freedom, and the other to our continued enslavement in…



Bruce McGraw

I am a college professor who taught, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Humanities and Mythology. I wrote a book: The Magical Universe.