Bruce Robbins
2 min readJun 24, 2016


Manchester bitter

Brewed by marble brewery, the closest to the old ‘Boddies’ before that was made it into dishwater. Or do we prefer one brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot. Both are good and I am a bit 50/50 like the vote (52/48 ish). I voted stay but now the result is in am happy to be leaving. I feel it would be un-English not to accept the outcome.

Federalism does come with advantages but it also has some disadvantages. Is is possible that not all the best bits of law became federal. One law, introduced in 1516 by the Duke of Bavaria to ensure the purity of beer, was sorely missing when the monopolistic breweries acquired the famous strangeways brewery I recall so fondly.

I share your disdain of the ‘political rhetoric of the Leave campaign … selfish and spiteful and racist in tone and content, and … peppered with lies and fantasy’. Very little of the pre referendum campaign was informed by real data and analysis, which in an age of data and analysis is quite odd. None the less today is a new day and needs to be embraced; for where we are now, not where we were.

Don’t get me wrong Ol but do I think being an ex-pat may make you a tad sentimental, the cure for which is return home and I will buy you that pint of Manchester Bitter. The fact is carries the strap line ‘Dry, Bitter, Northern’, reminds me a bit of my wonderful wife. This adds to the pleasure promised by the 4.2%. I am also sure that it assuages thirst even if I am ambivalent about the EU uncertainty as to; if drinking water helps with dehydration.

In the light of day we are still in Europe, still on the continent, still part of the west and still a part of the world. As you and I both work in a discipline that is without federal rule (despite many products of the discipline being subject to federal rules). I suspect we also both believe in a communications network that should remain outside of federal rule. Given this, if it leeds to a lighter legislation results maybe a post referendum UK is nothing to break ones heart over.



Bruce Robbins

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