3 AWS Certifications That Shaped My Career

Bruno Amaro Almeida
5 min readMar 28, 2023

Cloud computing has become a vital technology across all industries, providing unprecedented scalability, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency for businesses of all sizes. As a technology professional, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of cloud firsthand, both in my career and in the industry at large.

In particular, I’ve found that AWS certifications have been instrumental in advancing my career in technology. The AWS certification program offers a range of certifications designed to validate and recognize expertise in various AWS technologies and areas such as security, data, DevOps, machine learning, solution architecture, among others.

The Role of Cloud Certifications in My Career

Throughout my career I always tried to gain a wide spectrum of technology skills and knowledge. I started as a software developer but over time worked in other roles such as system administrator, network engineer and engineering manager. As I started to learn more about cloud computing, those past experiences, combined with different certifications played a big role in helping me navigate on what cloud means to different job roles.

Learning a new technology area and studying the corresponding cloud certification gave me a solid knowledge foundation that I could apply immediately in ongoing use cases and cloud workloads.

Moreover, AWS certifications were the main trigger that led me to start writing and public speaking…



Bruno Amaro Almeida

VP, IT Operations @Fortum | Advisor in Cloud, Security and Technology Strategy | brunoamaro.com