Design in Daily Life

Bruno Resende
3 min readJun 19, 2020


Design principles are fundamental pieces of advice for you to make easy-to-use, pleasurable designs.

Keeping in mind the principles of good design, the objective is to evaluate three goods and three bad user experiences, and observing whether or not these principles were implemented. It can be services or products, both physical and digital.

Dieter Rams - What is good design?

Good Design:

  • makes social impact
  • is innovative and bring perspectives
  • simple and offers serenity
  • environmentally friendly
  • visually comforting and pleasant
  • makes people feel better
  • offers trust and safety
  • is for everyone
  • is practical and useful
  • changes the world

According to my principles, here are some good and bad experiences:

Good experiences :)


Skyscanner offers a simple and quick solution to find the best flights. The option of viewing the monthly calendar, helps to choose the best rates in a flexible way, then making it possible to choose between the fastest and cheapest and several filters to be used for the search.


Wetransfer makes it possible to send files in a very simple way, and with a tracking and sending and downloading by the recipient. It also offers the option of hyperlinks that facilitate those who cannot access the email at the moment.


Yego is app that allows you to rent motorcycles for short periods at an affordable price.

In addition to having an interesting visual design, with fun colors and illustrations. The app offers a quick, simple and user-friendly journey. Explaining in detail the step by step of the whole process.

They are extremely fast with ID verification and customer service.

Bad experiences :(

TMB Tickets

The tickets are made of paper, which becomes a big problem in case of loss. Especially if you purchased a monthly pack recently.

In addition, another problem is the ticket sales and collection channels. Which often opts for a bus route and does not have a ticket. You need to look for a metro station to get it, since at bus stops there are no machines or ways to get a ticket at the moment.

Washing Machines

Usually the icons are not clear and each brand decides for a different icon patterns.

What for me is hard to decide which program I should user for a specific clothing and sometimes is difficult to find out what some resources are for.

usually signs are missing to indicate which process and time is adequate. Resulting in a minimisation of the available resources for the user and also a frustration related to the clothes damage.

USB Cables

There are only two ways to connect an USB cable to a port. And, even so, it seems that I only know one. The bad.

Many times when to connect the charger is upside down? The ¨head¨ with the connection does not have any component that differentiates on side from other. At first glance, the cable is the same no matter where you look at it, only when we look inside the slot or do we not get it to enter the port is when we realize how it is going.


Good design is not something that always stands out clearly.

I found hard to think about these examples at the beginning, and my conclusion is that bad design can really impact the user in a way to prefer to not remember or think about the product/service.

It tends to come with new solutions or alternatives to not repeat the experience as it usually cause frustration and a feeling of time wasting.

Therefore, a good design can do the reverse way really quickly in order to not be noted by the user but offering a simple and effective solution, resulting in a relaxed and happy user who don’t need to worry and think too much e get the target.

