Unapplied gravity

Bruno Yonezawa
1 min readOct 22, 2015

I don’t know the reason why but I’m frequently asked what superpower I wish I had.

Most people would say they’d love to be able to fly and have new horizons as well as the freedom of going anywhere, anytime.

A few other would say they’d want to be able to stop time so they could enjoy every single second of their lives.

Being able to become invisible and immortality are also on that list.

So when people ask me what superpower I wish I had it’s kinda hard to answer, ’cause you know, I’ve already got all those superpowers when I’m with you.

When I’m with you, gravity doesn’t apply to my body.

When I’m with you, times stands perfectly still, as if nothing else mattered.

When I’m with you, I’m pretty sure no one can see us… The way we see each other.

When I’m with you, I feel like life is limitless.

So when people ask me what superpower I wish I had…

I’d say you.

