How To Deal With Crooked Teeth and Misaligned Bites?


Crooked Teeth, Misaligned Bites and their solution

Crooked, overlapping or twisted teeth and misaligned bites may be a resultant of several dental problems like:

· Mouth space is too small for the teeth to grow causing overcrowding.

· A person’s upper and lower jaws aren’t the same size resulting in overbites or an under-bite.

· The jaw structure might be inherited.

· Early loss of baby teeth that causes uneven shifting of the other teeth.

· Loss of adult teeth also might be responsible.

· Thumb sucking and finger sucking during childhood days.

· Excessive use of feeding bottles and pacifiers.

· Gum diseases in advanced stages (periodontists) that affect the jaws.

To enlist the number of causative factors, there are too many of them. Sometimes even some dental work might be the responsible one. Improper fit of dental restorations and dental devices may also cause bite flaws or misalignment in your teeth layout.

Problems associated with Crooked Teeth and Misaligned Bites?

When you have malocclusions like an improper bite, misaligned upper and lower jaws or inappropriately shaped (or structured) teeth, the following problems may crop up:

1. Over consciousness with one’s own facial appearance and self-esteem.

2. Proper chewing abilities are disrupted.

3. Make teeth cleaning more difficult thus harboring the chances of tooth decay, cavities, and gingivitis.

4. Strain the entire set of your teeth, jaws, and the muscles associated with them. This again increases the risk of breaking a tooth!

How do you find a way out of this?

The orthodontist avails the help of various methods to determine which course of treatment would suit you the best. The steps adopted essentially include

· X-rays and photographs of your face is taken

· Teeth impressions are obtained

· Panoramic X-rays are done to determine the relationship of the teeth to the jaws and jaws to the head. These are also termed as ‘cephalometrics’.

Steps taken post your problem is detected

Once the diagnosis is made, your orthodontist decides the best treatment for your cases — whether it’s crooked teeth or misaligned bite. The general treatment alternatives that are recommended include:

· A removable retainer (to stabilize the new position of teeth)

· Surgery with the intent of removing one or more teeth to overcome overcrowding

· And finally braces are most commonly recommended corrective appliance to correct such issues. Other modern forms of aligners such as invisalign are also used for the same purpose.

· In rare cases, a surgery is resorted to, especially to remove an extra tooth (in cases of teeth overcrowding).

Most modern dental appliances are corrective devices that are intended at smile correction. Due to their close association with cosmetic purposes (smile beautification), demand for such treatment appliances is always on the rise. Although there is a wide variety from which you can chose, your orthodontist is the best person to determine the most appropriate method to solve your issue.

To get update about dental care follow our dentist Dr. Ryan Brunworth.

