Safety Related Tips to Follow Wile Using Hedge Trimmers NSW

Edgers Sydney
3 min readFeb 6, 2018


When it comes to using hedge trimmers NSW, one thing that you need to understand is that using this machine definitely has certain risks involved. This is generally because this machine has sharp blades to snip through hard, woody stems and can easily cut other things. The term “other things” used here includes humans as well and this is the biggest reason why sellers and suppliers lay special stress on safety related tips while selling them. Here are some common safety tips that they give to their customers.

• Always work from the ground where possible, work on even and dry surface.
• If you need to cut a tall hedge, use a long-reach hedge trimmer or a platform.
• While working with hedge trimmers NSW, make sure that you always use Residual Current Device or RCD plug or in adaptor.
• The reason is that these things will protect you from electric shocks in case; the cable is somehow accidentally cut.
• However, these things will not be required if you are using RCD for your entire home.
• While using hedge trimmers NSW, the most common accident that occurs is of cable getting cut during usage, therefore experts recommend that you should put it over your shoulder.
• This will make sure that the entire cable will always hang behind you or to make it even safer; you can attach it to your belt.
• At the same time, you need to make sure that the extension cable is adequately long and will help you complete the job without getting stretched.

Some other safety related recommendations are –

• While using hedge trimmers NSW, you should always use safety gear such as safety goggles for your eyes.
• You can even rely upon visors, as they will protect your eyes from all kinds of flying debris.
• If you wish to leave the machine unattended even for a few moments, never forget to unplug mains or remove the battery.
• As far as safety equipments are concerned, other than safety glasses, you should not forget to wear strong gloves and work boots with good grips.

Important points to be considered before investing in hedge trimmers NSW

Gas or Electric

• According to the experts, in the markets, you’ll find two different kinds. The first version is gas operated, whereas the next version runs in electricity.
• Gas powered models offer more power, but electric models are more popular and more preferred as well since they are lighter, convenient and environment friendly.

Cutting Capacity

• The next thing to determine while buying is the cutting capacity that is always measured in the thickness.
• According to the experts, you should always look to obtain a more powerful version as it can easily cut through branches/bushes up to 1 inch thick.


• You need to first determine the length of the blade because the longer this blade would be, more comfortable and easy it would be to work.
• Most models in the market offer 22 to 24 inches, but experts say that 22 inches are enough to get the job done in most cases.

