Who Had to Suffer to Keep His Shameful Truth from Being Exposed to the World?

Herb Baumeister — One man obsessed with a secret taboo resorts to murder


Herbert Richard Baumeister allegedly murdered 11–21 young men. He vanished when a warrant was issued for his arrest. Later his vehicle was discovered at Pinery Provincial Park on Lake Huron in Ontario, Canada. Herb was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Although he left behind a suicide note, he never confessed to committing the murders. He was 49-years old. Photo By: Indianapolis Police Department, Indiana, United States.
Herb Baumeister alleged American serial killer (Wikipedia)

Mental illness is one of the most common themes I see running through many actual crime cases I study, especially concerning serial killers. Thankfully, in 2022, we live in a time where there is more public awareness regarding this subject. However, I was born in 1975, so I remember when even anxiety was taboo unless it was behind closed doors.

I can distinctly remember a time when even the mention of having anxiety meant someone had to spend some time in an asylum to be “cured.” Therefore, when I began experiencing high levels of anxiety and depression, I didn’t want to talk to anybody about it. Not even my family. Thankfully, the subject isn’t as taboo as it was even 25 years ago.

When it comes to the case of Herb Baumeister, I noticed a common thread. Not only that, I saw a common, shall we say, silence, with those who were close to him. However, there’s also another aspect of this case. An element that many back in the late-80s and early-90s thought was a deviant taboo. Yet, I don’t think lives would have been lost if Herb had felt secure in letting others know what was going on with him.



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