Berghoef Edges Out Huizenga in a Congressional Race About Integrity & Corruption, New Poll Shows

Bryan Berghoef for Congress
2 min readJul 29, 2020



CONTACT: Jason Colella, or (231) 343–6662

HOLLAND, Mich. — Bryan Berghoef, a Holland pastor challenging long-time incumbent Congressman Bill Huizenga, today said a new poll shows he can win in the historically Republican Second Congressional District.

“When I talk to voters, I hear a lot of concern about the lack of leadership during this pandemic that has killed more than 142,000 Americans in six months. Ordinary hardworking families in West Michigan are struggling economically, they’re worried about keeping their families and loved ones safe, and they’re anxious about sending their kids to school this fall. Yet politicians from the president down to his political allies continue to downplay the pandemic and make excuses rather than take real action,” Berghoef said. “People across West Michigan have seen their paychecks shrink and their jobs vanish because the federal government continues to fail to get the virus under control. Voters want the people they send to Washington to fight for them and to have their backs, and yet they see their congressman has been unable and unwilling to do that. Bill Huizenga had no problem voting in favor of a tax cut for the very wealthy, but is dragging his feet when it comes to much-needed relief for struggling West Michiganders in the midst of a global pandemic and historic economic downturn.”

Denno Research released a poll of 400 likely voters in the Second Congressional District today showing Berghoef beating out Huizenga 41–39 percent. The poll showed large voter swings against Huizenga when they were informed of Huizenga’s use of campaign donations to pay for family vacations and that those violations are now under a federal ethics investigation. President Trump has only a 2 point lead over former Vice President Biden in the poll. In 2016, Trump won Huizenga’s district by 17.3 points.

Huizenga has voted in alignment with Trump 96.5 percent of the time, making him one of Trump’s most reliable supporters in Congress.

The House Ethics Committee is investigating Huizenga for improperly spending campaign donations, including $32,048 in mileage reimbursement for himself and his family and $391,382 for vacations at Disney World and a Ritz-Carlton Ski resort.

“While the only poll that really matters is the one on Election Day, our campaign is encouraged to know that we can win and that voters expect integrity and ethical behavior in their public servants,” Berghoef said. “Congressman Bill Huizenga’s spending habits are out of touch with the reality for many West Michigan families. They value fiscal responsibility and playing by the rules, and they expect as much out of their member of Congress.”


