Bryan Dannowitz
1 min readJun 15, 2015


Thanks for the great and thorough write-up! I’m starting to put together a portfolio, and this was very helpful for feeling around the intimidatingly expansive AWS system. I have some codes sitting in their github tombs, and I was hoping to breathe some life into them with some AWS hosting.

One problem that I ran into when following along with your step-by-step guide was the fact that my local app worked just fine, but the deployed flask app wasn’t connecting to my MySQL DB that I had set up. After checking the logs, I saw that it was still trying to access the DB from your github’s version of the

I eventually figured out that deploy mechanism only deploys your committed changes, in the git sense. I committed, deployed, and refreshed the page — and poof! It worked.

Here’s an AWS page that lightly touches upon the AWS versioning and its dependence on commit ID’s:

Anyways, just thought I would point that out here in case anyone else got tripped up.

Thanks again for the help!

