Bryan Hampton
1 min readJul 30, 2016


This saddens me to the core. As a guy, I’ve always respected women and never taken a rejection personally. In fact, I’ll share a story myself. When I lived in Richmond, VA, there was a bar on the block where I lived and I became a regular there. A regular to the point that when I walked in, the bartender would have a beer and a shot waiting for me. I met a woman there one night and we went back to my place and started having sex. She passed out while we were going at it, and I stopped, tucked her in and fell asleep next to her. When we woke up, I took a shower and when I got out, she proceeded to fuck my brains out. That is what a decent guy does. You don’t take advantage of an incapacitated women (or guy) ever. Simple as that.

