What Makes Dental Ads Attract More Patients?

Bryan Hayes
10 min readMar 27, 2024


Female dentist working and smiling at the camera.

To get more patients, dental ads attract using some smart tricks like making sure they work well on phones. Talking about local stuff, putting ads in places where the right people will see them, and sending out digital mail that feels personal.

They also show up in online directories and make sure they pop up in local online searches.

Being active and interesting on social media, getting involved in the community, and maintaining a good reputation are also crucial strategies. These steps help dental offices become more visible online and attract more customers.

By focusing on these key points, dentists can reach more people and strengthen their connections with those who might need their services. Let’s examine how each of these tricks really helps in attracting and keeping patients, or learn more on our main site.

Article Highlights

  • Making sure ads work well on phones makes more people see and interact with them.
  • Ads that talk about local stuff catch the attention of people nearby.
  • Ads aimed at specific people get more clicks and help turn them into patients.
  • Ads sent straight to people looking for dental care work, really well.
  • Being listed in online directories makes a dentist’s office easier to find and trust.

We’ve made these changes to make the message clear and straightforward, perfect for a 10th-grader to understand. We’ve used contractions and an active voice to keep the text engaging and easy to read.

Mobile Optimization

With so many people using smartphones to browse the internet, it’s vital for dental ads to work well on mobile devices.

This means making sure the ads look good and are easy to read on all sorts of phone screens. Since 57% of people in the U.S. use their phones to go online, dental ads need to be mobile-friendly to catch their attention.

Google even makes it a point to show websites that are easy to use on phones higher up in search results. Now, with the new Google SGE update, ads, video reviews and SEO are even more important.

This is crucial because more and more people are looking up health stuff on their phones. So, if a dental practice makes their ads mobile-friendly, they’ve a better shot at reaching potential patients and boosting their online presence.

Localized Website Content

When we talk about ‘Localized Website Content,’ we mean making online info fit better for specific places. This is essential for dental websites because it helps more people engage with the site and makes the site more visible in search results.

By adding keywords that are specific to a location on their websites, dental practices can see their local search rankings jump by 14%. Moreover, if the content on the site changes based on where the user is, click-through rates can shoot up by 70%.

This custom approach gets more people involved and leads to a 60% higher chance of turning visitors into patients compared to using the same content for everyone. So, it’s key for dental offices to use local content on their websites to draw in more patients and boost their online presence.

Targeted Paid Ads

Paid Ads Need To Cover All the Family

Paid ads that are targeted can really help get more people interested and make them more likely to become patients at dental offices. By picking out certain groups of people based on their details, ads can be made just for them, and this makes 64% more people engage with the ad.

When ads are based on what people like or do, they work even better, with a 73% better chance of getting someone to become a patient.

Ads that pop up again to remind you of a website you’ve visited before are even more clickable, with a 76% better chance of getting clicks, which means more people might become patients.

Furthermore, ads that are made for a specific place can get 60% more clicks than regular ads. These strategies bring more people to the website and make sure those people are more likely to become patients, leading to more patients for the dental office.

Digital Direct Mail Ads

To help dental teams get noticed in their local area, digital ads, like the ones called teethtalk ads, are put together in a smart way to reach people who are searching for dental help right now.

These ads can really help bring in more patients and grow a dental office. By focusing these ads on people who are already looking for dental work, dental teams can find patients who are ready for procedures, helping their business to thrive.

Ads like this are great for making a dental practice more visible in the local area. They aim right at folks who are on the lookout for dental help. These ads tend to bring in more patients effectively, helping the dental office to expand.

We’ve made these ads easy to understand and focused on bringing in more patients for dental teams. They’re a smart choice for any dental practice looking to grow.

Directory Listing Claims

Patient Forms Come With Lots Of Customers

Making our dental office more visible online and building a good reputation means we need to make sure we’re listed on websites like Google My Business, Yelp, and Healthgrades. These websites help people decide which dentist to choose by providing them with up-to-date information about our office.

It’s important for people to find accurate details like how to contact us, what services we offer, and what other patients have said about us. By adding the right keywords and pictures to our listings, we can show up higher in online searches, which means more people might come to us for their dental needs.

Keeping our information the same and current on these sites is vital. It helps us gain trust from people looking for a dentist online. Having our office listed accurately and clearly on these sites helps us reach more people and lets them know we’re a reliable choice.

Local SEO Strategies

Local SEO is essential for dental offices that want to get more patients from their area. It means making your website easy to find for people looking for a dentist near them. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Use Google My Business: This is like telling Google exactly where your dental office is and what you do. It helps your office show up when people search for a dentist in your area.
  • Keep your info the same everywhere: Make sure your office’s name, address, and phone number are the same on all websites. This helps Google trust your info and show your office to more people.
  • Talk about your area: When you write stuff for your website, mention the areas you serve. This makes it more likely for people living nearby to find your dental office when they’re looking for a dentist.

Doing these things can help your dental office shows up higher in search results, making it easier for local patients to find you.

Social Media Engagement

Use Social Media With SoTellUs Customer Reviews

Dental offices can really benefit from using social media to connect with their patients and make their online presence stronger. It’s important for dental practices to quickly reply to any comments or messages they get. This lets patients know that the office cares about their concerns.

By posting fun and interactive content, dental offices can get more people interested and bring in new patients. Keeping a positive vibe on social media helps make the dental practice look inviting online. When patients are happy with their experience, they’re likely to tell their friends about it, which can bring in even more patients.

Using social media is a great way for dental offices to build strong relationships and trust with both their current and future patients.

Community Involvement

Getting involved in local community activities helps dental offices connect better with the people living nearby. This builds trust and makes people more loyal to the dental office. When a dental office takes part in local events, sponsors them, or helps out local charities, it can really help the business in different ways:

  • Making More People Know About the Dental Office: Helping out with community projects can make more people aware of the dental office and show that it cares about the community.
  • Making Patients More Loyal: By being active in the community, the dental office can create a strong connection with people. This means patients are more likely to stay loyal and recommend the office to others.
  • Drawing in Patients Who Care About the Community: Showing that the dental office is involved in community health events and supports charities can attract patients who want to go to a dental office that cares about the same things they do.

Reputation Management

SoTellUs Reputation Management — Deal With Bad Reviews Fast!

Taking care of your dental office’s online reputation is important if you want to bring in new patients and keep the ones you have. When people see good things said about your practice online, it not only makes you look good, but also makes your current patients wish to tell others about you.

Managing your reputation means you’re working hard to get those positive comments online. This helps build a strong presence on the internet and draw more people to your clinic. Happy patients are key because their good reviews can convince others to pick your practice for their dental needs.

Online reviews play a big role in how people see your business, so it’s essential to handle them well. By focusing on making your patients happy and keeping up a good image online, you can make more people trust your practice and bring in more folks looking for dental services.


What Attracts People to Dentistry?

We focus on keeping our teeth clean, healthy, and looking good to draw people in. We tackle fear of the dentist by providing care that’s safe and works well. Not only that, but we offer services like making smiles look better, whitening teeth, handling dental emergencies, putting in implants, and using the latest technology. By doing this, we make sure everyone gets the help they require for their teeth.

How Can a Dentist Get More Customers?

To attract more patients, we concentrate on promoting our services online, getting recommendations from our current patients, being active on social media, participating in local community events, offering special deals, and getting involved in community service.

We also focus on giving discounts on dental services and building connections with other businesses.

We also improve our website for search engines, and placing ads that target specific groups of people. Likewise, we aim to make strong connections and provide top-notch dental care.

How Do I Advertise My Dental Services?

To get the word out about our dental services, we use multiple different methods. We’re all over online marketing and social media to catch people’s attention.

We also discuss our services to friends and family, hoping they’ll spread the word. We get involved in local events and team up with community groups, creating special offers that are hard to resist. We make sure when someone searches for dental services online, our name pops up first by using search engine optimization.

Plus, we have a program that rewards our patients if they refer someone to us. We also network with other professionals and share stories from our happy patients. All these efforts help us connect with people who might need our dental services.

Why Is Advertising Your Dental Clinic With Posters Important?

Using posters to advertise our dental clinic is a smart way to connect with people nearby.

When we design our posters well, put them in the right spots, use eye-catching pictures, and make our message clear, it helps us get more people interested. It also makes our clinic more well-known and encourages people to tell their friends about us.

Make Sure Your Dental Ads Attract New Patients

To attract more patients to your dental practice, it’s key to make your online presence really stand out. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Make your website mobile-friendly: Nowadays, everyone uses their phones to look stuff up. So, if your website works well on mobile devices, more people can easily find and browse it.
  2. Use local info on your website: Talk about your services in a way that connects with your local community. This helps people nearby find you when they’re searching for a dentist.
  3. Run targeted ads: Use online ads that specifically target people in your area. This gets your practice in front of the eyes of potential patients right where they live.
  4. Digital direct mail ads: Think of these like the modern version of flyers in your mailbox, but they pop up online. They can remind people in your area that you’re there to help with their dental needs.
  5. Claim your spot in online directories: Make sure your practice’s information is up-to-date in online business listings. This makes it easier for people to find you.
  6. Boost your local SEO: SEO, or search engine optimization, helps your website show up higher in search results. By focusing on local keywords, you can attract more local patients.
  7. Be active on social media: Share helpful tips, office updates, and engage with your community on platforms like Facebook or Instagram. This builds a connection with potential patients.
  8. Get involved in your community: Participating in local events or charities not only gives back but also raises awareness of your practice.
  9. Manage your reputation online: Keep an eye on reviews and respond professionally. A good reputation makes people more likely to trust and choose your practice.

Remember, your online image should truly reflect the great care you provide. By using these strategies, you can boost your visibility and draw more patients to your dental practice.

Once you check out what SoTellUs offers, the service can cater for most of the 9 sections mentioned above.

Don’t miss out, and see how SoTellUs can help as it has helped thousands of others to boost business locally.

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