Bryan Hunsinger
2 min readMar 1, 2015

There are many things that I consider spam, and cold emails are one of them. I would put them somewhere between radio ads and TV commercials. Thank goodness for satellite radio and DVRs!

Recently, I got a reply to one of my cold emails pitching Mobiniti to a small business owner. The reply simply stated:

“Please stop spam emailing me.”

It got me thinking. First, why is it even called spam, and second, should I stop sending cold emails?

Why is SPAM called SPAM

It is called spam because of a Monty Python sketch in which everything on the menu includes spam (a form of canned meat, in case you didn’t already know). In the sketch, eggs and bacon come with spam. Baked beans come with spam. Even the spam comes with spam. And then they started singing spam over and over again to mock the notion of including spam with everything, regardless if you want it or not.

To cold email or to not cold email

I remember the day I got hooked on the notion of cold emailing. I was reading Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross, and got to chapter 2: Cold Calling 2.0 — Ramp Sales Fast without Cold Calls. Since then, I have been crafting short emails & subject lines, creating 8-step sequences, and working on open and reply rates. It is highly efficient and has been successful thus far. It would not make sense to stop doing it based off one, or even a few not-so-happy recipients.

I suggest working on getting a better list of prospects if you are not seeing the results you hoped for. Make sure you create a personalized series of emails to go out to a list of targeted prospects. The emails should be based on your unique value propositions and their pain points. There is some pretty great software out there to help with all this — (Outreach or PersistIQ or ToutApp).

Think you have what it takes to cold email like a PRO? If you believe so, send me your best cold email and see if you can catch my eye:

Bryan Hunsinger

Co-Founder of PreviewX, a HoldCo that starts and acquires niche B2B businesses. Previously co-founded Mobiniti (acq.).