12 Rules For Life — Jordan Peterson: Book Review

Bryan Lack
8 min readJan 17, 2023

As we wrap up the first month of 2023, I continue to see New Year's Resolutions, new gym memberships, and the age-old battle of what you should be doing with your time, but aren’t.

While realizing your potential to do more is great, I wanted to share another book review that can be the road map for improvement or just a simple reminder.

Much like the calendar year, Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules for Life” can be difficult to navigate and apply to your day-to-day.

That's why I summarized each rule in this article, to help give you a brief overview of the concepts in each chapter.

But don't be mistaken. This book is loaded with insights and revelations from a brilliant man.

I implore you to grab your own copy and a highlighter or two.

In “12 Rules for Life,” Jordan Peterson presents a set of principles for living a fulfilling and meaningful life. The rules cover a wide range of topics, including personal responsibility, self-compassion, honesty, communication, and mindfulness.

Now, let's get started!

Rule #1 in “12 Rules for Life” by Jordan Peterson is:

“Stand up straight with your shoulders back.”



Bryan Lack

I'm a small-town kid from northern MN looking to become the best version of myself! www.bryanlack.com