Congregate — Bring online gatherings to life

Bryan Lee
2 min readJun 15, 2020

What are you working on this summer?

We’re building Congregate, an events platform to bring the spontaneity and personal nature of physical events online. COVID catalyzed a transition to online gatherings, but platforms like Zoom are too static to facilitate natural and fluid social interactions. Our events are centered around a lobby with tables which users can easily jump between. We’re exploring new ideas to replicate physical events online and developing features to be an end-to-end online events platform.

Our Team

Isabelle Zheng (left), Paula Zhu (right)
Bryan Lee (left), Austin Hwang (center), Noah List (Right)
Elijah Kim (left), Jacob Ajit (right)

What are your goals for this project this summer?

While our vision will morph and features will change, our end goal is always to build a delightful events platform that makes users say, “wow, that event was even better than in-person”.

Feel free to reach out to the team at, and check out the site at



Bryan Lee

Bryan is a student at Harvard and the CEO & Co-Founder of Congregate, an online social gathering platform.