Setting the Record Straight on Katie Couric’s Comments Regarding Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Bryant Johnson
3 min readNov 12, 2021


The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a great friend of mine, and I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes from her: “Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” With those words of wisdom and unity in mind, I felt it imperative to set the record straight about the statement made by Katie Couric in her new book.

According to the contents of her new book, Couric claims that she was “protecting” Justice Ginsburg by omitting the Justice’s comments about NFL players who knelt during the national anthem.

I was Justice Ginsburg’s trainer for over twenty years, and was lucky to have many conversations with her during that time. When I heard her statement to Couric about the NFL players, I knew that she was not operating with all of the facts. The Justice was engrossed in the law, the opera, her family, and her workouts. But she often missed news on popular culture.

We had a detailed discussion during a workout where I explained why athletes were taking a knee during the national anthem. I explained to the Justice that Colin Kaepernick was not protesting the country but protesting racial injustice. I also informed her that Colin’s choice to kneel was at the suggestion of a veteran that told him that it would be perceived as less disrespectful and be a sign of respect if you kneel with your teammates instead of sitting on the bench by yourself.

A jurist can only respond to the facts in front of them, but when new information comes to light, their opinion can change—as it did for Justice Ginsburg. During our conversation, the Justice responded that she “didn’t know the whole story” before she made her statement to Couric, and “should not have answered that question.”

Today, if Katie Couric was truly protecting the Justice, as she claims in her book, I find it curious that she is now revealing this inaccurate portrayal of the justice during her promotional tour. This so-called revelation and its timing hints at divisiveness and opportunism.

To highlight my second favorite quote of Justice Ginsburg,“You can disagree without being disagreeable.” Challenging the status quo for the sake of a more equitable world was an idea that motivated the Justice in everything she did—and she respected anyone who stood up for that principle. Because I know this to be true, I felt compelled to offer clarity around inaccurate or irresponsible representations that may seem to be inconsistent with the Justice’s values. Today, I hope that values like those held by Justice Ginsburg are more important to all of us than selling books or getting clicks.

Bryant Johnson
Personal Trainer for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
IG: @rbgworkout
IG: @bdyjustice



Bryant Johnson

Personal Trainer to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and other visionaries.