Face the Stones

Tyler Bryant
4 min readApr 19, 2022


Acts 6&7- Stephen, the First Martyr.

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter! Good Friday and Easter are important holidays to remember Jesus’ suffering and perfect sacrifice for our sins, but also his defeat of death and resurrection. Those are the foundation of our faith. Shortly after Jesus died and was resurrected, His disciples spread throughout the surrounding regions and prayed and continued to spread the Word of God.

This doesn’t seem like a big deal, but after Jesus’ execution, His followers were suffering and being persecuted. Add that to the fact they faced sin, conflict, and harsh opposition, they could have said, “well, this has gone way too far. Let’s quit,” but they refused. Through all of those terrible things, the disciples stood strong in their faith, the church grew, and the Word of God spread to various regions. Remember the Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,” (Matthew 28:18–20).

While the disciples were going about, they influenced a man named Stephen. A very important man! He traveled like the disciples and performed wonders and signs for the Jerusalem people. He did not have any superpowers like we see in almost any movie nowadays, but he did it through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many people were in awe with this and joined the church, but others were furious with his teachings (sound familiar? Jesus). The people falsely accused him of speaking against God and His temple, and people gave false witness stories (again, just like Jesus). Look at 2 Timothy 3:12, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. Stephen (and the disciples) did not shy away from persecution because they were honoring Jesus in the way they lived. Jesus warned us we would be persecuted, just like He was, so we should embrace it. Does that sound crazy? Let’s keep going.

Stephen’s trial was not going well, the people did not believe a single thing he said, no matter how many examples of proving they were actually the ones doing wrong. At the end of his trial, it is said that Stephen looked like an angel with a supernatural glow by honoring God, similar to Moses after spending time with God, or even Jesus when He was transfigured. Over and over, Stephen told the people the temple was not needed, people could pray to and worship God anywhere, and that they were rejecting God’s chosen leaders (just like how they rejected Jesus). The outcome? Stephen was stoned to death, and while the execution was happening, he was actually praying for his executors and asking God to forgive them (again, just like Jesus).

Thus, Stephen becomes the first Christian martyr. What a wonderful thing to be remembered by. Not backing down to the enemy or those who want to go against Jesus, but rather standing firm in the faith and letting nothing stop you from glorifying Jesus in anything you do. We may not face physical stones threatening/persecuting us for our Christian faith, but we still have many people trying to stop us in other ways. “You are the Christian guy, goody-two shoes,” “You’re Christian, so you must be uptight and no fun,” “How can you believe that stuff? You don’t see miracles happening anymore,” “If God was real, why does He allow suffering?” I’m sure you have heard these or similar sayings by people in your life. You must stand firm in faith and trust in Jesus. In Chapter 5 of Acts, the disciples were on trial and were excited about it, that they were deemed worthy to suffer in Jesus’ name. If you are not willing to defend your Christian belief and be proud of it, you are not glorifying God. Matthew 10:32, Jesus says, “so everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in Heaven.” Be proud of your Christian belief, no matter what people say, do, or what happens to you. God has it under control, and will reward you.

Why is Stephen important? He sets an example of standing strong for our Christian belief, even in the most dangerous events. He also was the first martyr, and after that, the persecution of the Church began to increase, but believers spread around to various surrounding regions and spread the Word of God. One man’s actions caused others to spread the Word of God, that is amazing! Matthew 5:12 “for great is your reward in Heaven.” Be like Stephen, and the disciples, be strong/proud of your Christian faith!



Tyler Bryant

UP’s mission is to lift up others in faith, Bible knowledge, leadership, and life skills so we may lift up Jesus’s name to honor Him in each of our lives.