Various advantages and disadvantages of Internet marketing

Bryant Tchan
3 min readMay 25, 2018


The process of promoting products and services online is known as internet marketing. This method is gaining importance day by day due to a large number of advantages. One can reach millions and millions of people with a single stroke of the mouse within a few minutes.

Easy on the pocket:

When you compare internet marketing with other forms of marketing tools such as television and radio, you will see that internet marketing is the cheapest. Minimum cost is involved in the process according to Bryant Tchan.


Some forms of internet marketing are effective to a large extent. For example, when you use social media platforms, you will see that you can reach out to maximum customers who were otherwise not applicable.


Your advertisement will always be available to your target audience, 24 hours a day 365 days a week.

Effective communication:

The communication between the company and probable customers is fast and reliable. Internet marketing will ensure that a person who is interested in your products and services can learn more within a short span of time.

Fewer overheads:

Since the marketing is conducted online, it means that the overall overheads are less when compared to offline stores.

According to Bryant Tchan, in spite of the number of advantages, there are quite a few disadvantages of internet marketing. Here are a few disadvantages.


Since the internet is global and cheap, it is likely to attract a lot of abusers and hackers. Most of the companies at some time or the other has reported of stolen ideas. It becomes the duty of the company to ensure maximum security to the website visitors as they may conduct some transactions in the future with their details.

Placement of ads:

Advertisements that appear on a web page may block the view of the visitor which in turn may turn them down. Customers may simply overlook the advertisement when it appears on any of the web pages.

Huge cost involved:

Even though internet marketing is cheap, you will see that the cost of maintaining the website is high. You will be required to hire the services of expertise specialist so that your site is well maintained with regular updates. The website has to be made attractive so that your website gets maximum visitors.


The advertisement on web pages might not be accessible to people of rural areas. Similarly, it is not possible to elder and illiterate people to access the internet.

Now that you know the pros and cons of internet marketing, it is up to you if you want to implement internet marketing and improve your business or not. However, the world of advertising is evolving continuously, and people are finding new ways to handle online advertising profitably. For More Information :-



Bryant Tchan

Bryant Tchan is one of the most leading internet marketing expert that provides every type of digital marketing solution to the small, medium and big business.