Bryce Daniel
1 min readMar 10, 2015

When thinner sacrifices function, we have gone too far. Yes, Apple’s new MacBook is only 13.1mm thin, but all they have left us with is a usb-c port and a headphone jack. This is iPad-level port reduction. In fact, the only real difference between the two is the keyboard/trackpad.

When thinness leads to a decrease of function, we have gone too far. Yes, Apple’s new MacBook is only 13.1mm thin, but all they have left us with is a USB-C port and a headphone jack. This is iPad-level port reduction. In fact, the only real differences between the two is the keyboard/trackpad and larger display*.

In the pursuit of minimalist perfection, let’s not forget practicality. There’s a thin line between reduction and destruction, and Apple may have just crossed it.

*It was brought to my attention that software is a large difference as well. But even still, with only a 1.2Ghz dual core Intel M processor, I can’t see myself doing anything I wouldn’t just use my iPad for.

Bryce Daniel

Product designer @Snackpass. Past @Airbnb, @Pathrise, @Nubko.