Bryce Tubbs
2 min readJan 2, 2016

Why I like Cold approach pickup

I love the idea of being able to date any girl that I see while out and about in my day to day life. I like the feeling of making excuses before you talk to the warm up set (first girl of the day). The adrenaline rush of talking to a stranger -- who does that. I love having everyone watching with strange looks on their faces (because they know, "he’s 'That Guy’"😂). I love taking the jump of uncertainty of taking a chance of being rejected. Literally running to catch up to the hottest girl in the venue as she is leaving-- Conventional thought would tell you that she wouldn’t want to talk and following her would be creepy --experience says they are very receptive.

Cold approach gives you amaizing reference experiences one being: you’’re in a foreign land on the beach when you ask a suntanning girl to come swim with you and she dowsn’t speak English so you have to play charades.

My favorite recent memory was in a mall in Florida, we were leaving and this was 2 days after Christmas 2015. It was a pretty good day of approaches, but we were leaving. I was with my parents and brother since it was a family vacation. I see these 2 girls Probs 23–25, they looked like Instagram models, I was like this is too good to pass up. Let’s ho take a shot. They were looking at some clothes in the window (ugh I hate window shopping). So I opened with a comment about that, they turned and walked away, so I followed them and attempted to continue, they politely babbled in portuspanish and waved me off. Too bad tho, that was my best approach of the day. One thing about me is for some reason my best pick up attempts are against girl who are out of my league, I think I just naturally rise to the occasion.

Regardless these are my thoughts, here’s to my late 20’s to mid 30’s dating the top 1% of women, I enjoy playing the waiting game.

This is a fun story if you want to see more follow your heart 😉.