Brylar Foustark
1 min readJul 18, 2017


The DNC is NOT a CAMPAIGN. The DNC is NOT the Clinton Campaign.

Chalupa, as an American Citizen NOT working for the Clinton campaign was legally allowed to meet with any foreign official or foreign national for opposition research.

The problem is you latched onto the idea so hard you refuse to address the facts which is why you did not respond to the article on Chalupa from last October gaining no notoriety for all things you are claiming now. It highlighted she was working for the DNC and doing oppo research on the Trump campaign yet no reaction or accusations resulted in accusations of violating election laws against the DNC, her or the Clinton campaign.

The fact you called it the “DNC CAMPAIGN” proves you do not know politics 101. You probably have a flair for hype but that is clearly where it ends because you didnt even know Chalupa was a US Citizen. Denying the basic facts again will only solidify your agendacitis.

Can you show where you called for charges against the Trump campaign based on the laws cited? Im guessing that is a “NO.”

