5 min readOct 22, 2018


Alright so as many of you may know, social media influencers have been around since the internet began. Well since diving into crypto nearly two years ago, twitter has shed light on the true greed behind these so called “influencers”. If you weren't around last year in the Bull run of 17' there was an up and coming group many of you know as Bitcoin Bravado. Another writer at the time @CryptoMedication wrote a lengthy article on the pump and dump collaborations that were going on behind the scenes. Time moved on and the group covered its ends, rid the group of the bad media and continued working towards whatever its goal maybe. This was the first real exposure to all of the Crypto twitter influencers and a taste of how nasty these guys can get. Now on to the more time relative content.

THE CRYPTO PROFIT: Im sure you’ve heard the name as most all of us have. He goes by HonestyCrypto or HonestlyCrypto and that’s the farthest from the truth. They release a free magazine which is mostly written for him by the media team and as payment they are allowed to be in his “inner circle” which at minimum costs $130 a month.

I’ve kept up with TCP since around the beginning of the bear market. He made some good calls and knew a decent bit of TA from what i could tell and gathered. I noticed he had quite a following after barely any time being on CryptoTwitter. Weird. Regardless i shadowed his calls and see if he was any good at actually trading and not just advertising. I was led to his Telegram group where there’s a multitude of chart content. After further researching he posts almost nothing and TheCryptoCactus posts all the content.

Well fast forward a few months to October. He makes a post on twitter saying he needed a few mods to post content for his InnerCircle. Looking for a payday and an audience to cast my recently learned knowledge to. I quickly responded asking what i needed to do. He said i needed to Dm Kobra and go from there. Kobra at the time was leading the group and TCP was sitting doing nothing which was unknown of at the time. Kobra gets the requirements from me and the next day and I’m almost immediately put into the group. They accepted 4 other mods, and had one already participating. 5 total mods 1 admin and then TCP. It was a trial month, the mod with the best content and highest worth would be kept and paid 5% of the total group profit. With 90–100 members in the group the group should have been making at least a few BTC a month. I wanted that spot.

I go into full grind mode, i calculated how much i thought the group made and how much i would make. I scoured over charts and made a my first call. Chat/Btc long at 240 sell at 350. Next morning i wake up and my call hit chat had moved 70% for the day. The group was ecstatic and i gained some new friends. Half way through the month we hadn't heard a single word from Kobra who at the time was around the most. Through out the month i got busier with school as i’m a full time Computer Information Systems student. I made a ton of good calls, probably my most profitable month ever with my calls totaling around 500% profit. I was worried about two other mods competing with my spot. Bull and Fons were posting, helping members and banging out calls. We were a great team all together.

The month ended and after a week or so there was no word on the winning admin. I reached out to Kobra to see what was going on. This is where the ball starts to unravel.

This was unsettling, the head mod hadn't been paid and had up and left. I messaged Bull and Fons to see what was happening and they hadn't gotten word either. We started to raise a riot in the group. Mods were angry and advised members not pay. TCP showed himself, apologized for the time and made up some excuse about a wedding and something else. He added us all into a group chat and we discussed the outcome. He decided to let us all stay and pay each mod 6%. Weird that is more money? We all say we want paid before working anymore, he barely answers. I take it upon myself and message him to expedite the process. No answer.

Fons messages me in the mean time and explains his situation. Apparently he had been in the group way longer than any of us and TCP had never paid him a dollar. Another unsettling statement.

Eventually he comes back around and agrees to keep fons, bull, me and don another mod. I said we wanted 7% since there was less mods. He accepted then said he had no money to pay us now because people previously paid… What an idiot. If people prepaid that means they paid for the months we worked. He sends us the spreadsheet of all the payments from the beginning of the group. My mouth fell open, nearly 30 members were inactive but still in the group and the group made maybe .44 from the last two months. I knew there was no way we were getting paid. The next day TCP asks for our addresses and im like no way are we actually gonna get paid? NOPE. He gathers all the addresses and then blows us off. No response until today. APPARENTLY he is super sick? seems like another lie to keep us working for free. Members are asking for a refund because there is no content that they paid for and he is still not responding.

Then he goes to post. Which shows that deep down he knows hes doing something wrong and is trying to justify it by making him seem like a team player.

I would never recommend anyone to his InnerCircle group and i suggest a good many of you un-follow him because its quite clear his interests are only of his own and has a bunch of people entangled in a shit pile of his lies. Crypto is a space for learning and building not sucking the money out of the average joe. If you're interested in the joining a paid group. Just don’t. There is so much free content out there and people looking for a light to shine on them. If someone is running a paid group, there is a really good chance they are going to have alternative motives behind whatever they may introduce to you.

My free discord is posted below and it would be great to see some around.

