Adding Cisco 7200 Router in GNS3

Bishal Chapagain
3 min readFeb 5, 2024

GNS3 is a free emulation and simulation tool used to design virtual network topologies with the feel of real hardware devices. You can learn more about GNS3 in my previous article. GNS3 is a free tool however, we need a subscription to VIRL to use Cisco appliances. Ignoring the legal compliances, we can download and use freely available images on the Internet. You can learn more about the Cisco Software License Agreement here.

This guide assumes that you are using a GNS3 VM for the GNS3 server. So, we will be installing this binary in the GNS3 VM rather than in the local server.

  1. First of all, download the Cisco 7200 Router binary from here.
  2. Open GNS3 and make sure that GNS3 VM server is running.

3. Click on Edit and then Preferences.

4. Now, select IOS routers option under Dynamips.

5. Click on New to create a new IOS router template.

6. A new dialogue box will open, select Run this IOS router on the GNS3 VM option and click on Next.

7. Select New Image and Click on Browse Option to search for router binaries.

Select the downloaded binary and make sure not to decompress the IOS image.

8. Click on Next.

9. Now, provide the router name. Leave Platform as it is and click on Next.

10. Leave the Default RAM size as it is.

11. It’s time to add network adapters. By default, only one slot is available. However, we can add adapters from empty slots.

12. Now, click on Idle-PC Finder. You must wait for sometime until the Idle-PC value is found.

13. Then, click on OK and then Finish.

14. Finally, Click on OK.

15. Now, you can use the C7200 router in GNS3.


In this way, you can use a Cisco router for free in your GNS3 project. HOWEVER, IT IS COMPLETELY UNETHICAL TO DISTRIBUTE AND USE CISCO APPLIANCES IN THIS WAY.

I want to make it clear that I do not promote the use, distribution, or sharing of copyrighted materials without proper authorization or permission from the rightful owners. This is only for educational purpose.

