Why Should You Get into Content Writing and Take It as Career

Sazzadul Bari
7 min readJan 13, 2019


Before starting, I would like to draw first what makes me urged to write on this topic. Most of the common people amongst folks are confused thinking about a career in content writing.

Today, the internet is one an only stop source of all our necessities from top to bottom. Whatever we need to search, it’s like everything is stored under one roof on the WWW.

Living in the age of information, our life has become simplified and any kind of data can be accessible to us within a single click. But the thing is, where does all this information come from?

Do you think ever, who comes up with all the necessary information you search and read on the web?

Well, the answer is pretty straight and simple, it’s none but content writers who serve your need staying behind the back. Sometimes, a content writer could be a person from diverse professions. In this article, I will go through about the reasons or scopes to take content writing as your career.

What is the Content Writing

For me, content writing is a form of copywriting which means writing something meaningful and informative on a particular topic, helpful by nature that is liked by readers and forwarded to each other to attain maximum values.

One thing, I always believe in instinct, I am not necessarily saying to be a content writer but this write-up is for those who possess doubts and misconceptions about the content writing career. They might be a better content writer and would have taken content writing as their career if they had proper conception about it.

Who is a Content Writer

Basically, the person who put content writing on a specific topic is a content writer. In other words, a person who knows how to put research on a fresh piece of engaging words on a specific topic and present in it a most presentable way to its audience.

There is a myth about content writing that a content writer should use words from the glossary but for me, the actual writing comes from the heart. If you feel the topic you want to write on, you can put the powerful words on it that comes in a spontaneous way from your heart. This piece of writing catches, in some cases, touches your audience. That means you don’t necessarily put the heavy words to make things weighty.

I have been connected to the professional content writing for over two years so far and working with an IT firm named AuthLab. Lately, I also started a new blog named BlogCD that is a blogging resource site for bloggers. From my little experience, I can utter confidently that content writing is a smart, prestigious, and lucrative profession. This field has so many potentials to take you extra mileage in terms of your career.

I personally didn’t know about this huge opportunity for the content writing career, even didn’t think of writing in the future. I like writing but didn’t consider it could be a profession or something like a career. I was totally unaware of this, I consider myself like I was ignorant to think exactly.

After coming to this industry, I have come to know about quite a number of national and international personalities, literally who have been rocking in this field. There are also a number of giant people who are doing great. I can name one of them who is Jonathan Morrow, founder of Smart Blogger, a physically challenged living legend of this industry. You will be amazed if you go through with his biography. I am not sure about describing his stories as a whole within a single post.

I am not telling about him now, probably will talk in another post. I put a link to know more about him or you can search on Google by name. Now, without further ado, I am going straight to the point.

The reason for becoming a content writer is evident from the saying of Microsoft founder Bill Gates wrote in 1996. He said:

Content is the king

Though the sentence is too short but means a lot. You may agree or not but this is one of the widest spread internet memes. Even Google was one of the most ardent supporters of this notion.

Why Should You Want to be a Content Writer

Currently, content writers are highly demandable in this techy world. The Internet has exploded in an extended way which creates a lot of scopes with numerous advantages to be a quality content writer. It has already become a career alternative or you can take it as a career since the writing industry has been booming all through the world.

Now, the time has changed, if you consider yourself as a content writer and take it as your career, I think it’s perfectly ok. Here are some of the legit reasons why am I think so:

  1. Company Based Scopes: Now, most of the companies need to have their own content writers for their websites or writing promotional content for their products on their websites.
  2. Requires for SEO Industry: For SEO, you need to have quality content first. This could be including blogging, writing articles and any other concept relating to the website. You need to put the keywords inside the contents so that the search engine can take the content on top of the search results.
  3. Scopes in Digital Marketing: This is a vast area; there are many opportunities to lie in this industry. If I want to explain solely on this, it will take another article to cover up. Hence, digital marketing could be another platform where content writing rolled up the game.
  4. Sales and Advertising Related Scopes: Most of the sales and advertising agencies need to write sales letters, broadcasts, and press releases. That makes an opportunity to work in ad campaigns as well.
  5. Promoting Digital Products: As I told earlier, like most of the companies, different IT firms require writers for promoting digital products. IT sector is the fast-growing concept of the time and IT firms have been growing day by day. The products of these IT firms are mostly digital products like different types of software, plugins, add-ons, and some are different IT-related services that need to market. That’s why they need content for their digital products. This scope of working with these IT firms is growing day by day.
  6. Opportunity form Third-Parties: Sometimes, Content writers are hired by different social media optimization team for a particular project or campaign. They need to content writers to expedite the online visibility of the company on popular social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
  7. Starting Own Blog: This is a huge opportunity if someone can flourish in that particular field. A quality content writer can start a blog that choosing any specific niche or making an authority blog site. He can earn monetizing his blog. There are lots of successful bloggers who start money blogging leaving a traditional job and earning as a full-time professional blogger.
  8. Opportunity in Affiliate Marketing: This is another vast area that can take a content writer to the apex of success. As bloggers, there are lots of digital nomads who are living their life without any binding. Promoting other’s products through your catchy content on your website is the process of earning an affiliate marketer. As a content writer, you have a great opportunity to be a successful affiliate marketer.
  9. Publishing Books or E-books: If you are a content writer, you know the ethics of writing. If you have an exceptional concept that can facilitate others, you can go for writing a book. You also can publish e-books on different topics. There are a number of online publications who are ready to publish your write-up if you create something with quality.
  10. Working as a Freelancer: Last but not least, content writers can also work and earn as a freelance writer for any business. As a content writer, you can choose to be an independent earner accepting this platform. In this way, you can work staying from anywhere in the world.
  11. Massive Earning: You will be amazed to know about the earning of a content writer. I just can assure you that a quality content writer can earn more than he/she can think. Actually, it depends on your writing capability, not the experience only matters here. It’s true that experience brings quality but it always doesn’t work for all in the same way. So, most importantly, you will have a satisfactory lifestyle after being a content writer.

So, why are you wasting your valuable time doubting and getting confused?

Start examining these awesome skills and set up writing perfection as a content writer. Just be motivated and keep faith in yourself that you are the perfect one and able to apprehend new ideas promptly. Most importantly, this career will give you immense creative satisfaction which is very much rewarding.

I hope this article helped you to know more about content writing in terms of a career perspective. If you have anything to share with, please, leave a comment or you can catch me here.



Sazzadul Bari

A doer, minimalist, and believer! Professionally, a creative yet data-driven full-stack digital marketing strategist. Visit my website 👉 blogcd.com