Sunny Lu (VeChain CEO) — Telegram Log (23–04–2018)

6 min readApr 22, 2018


Sunny Lu dropped into the Official VeChain Telegram on Sunday night, this is what he had to say.

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:46]
[In reply to Hamburger McGrath󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 — Would be better if vechain wallet has a sell thor option though]
It could be a good idea though with some exchange partners

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:47]
hello guys

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:47]
What up

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:48]
Just saw the message and jumped into it

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:48]
[In reply to Toadie R — Great article yesterday sunny!]
My sense of time zone got a little bit messed up and I am thinking which day was yesterday, litterally

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:50]
MPP is just the start, but very basic function which Blockchain seriously need for adoption to the real world

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:51]
Art of War is from 孙子,like 2500 years ago in China, 545BC

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:52]
[Laowai 老外 (UTC + 8) — 545BC mainnet launch confirmed]

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:52]
don’t speculate anything, honestly, I am getting more hesitation about anything I say

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:54]
For example, I was talking about BMW may announce it in later April and the BJ exhibition could be a good opportunity with a booth (anyway they will have it for sure). But it’s not really I can decide, right?

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:55]
But what I really can confirm here is we got the official order from BMW like 2 months ago and the work has been progressing well in terms of technical and product development

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:57]
[In reply to Laowai 老外 (UTC + 8) — official order? what do you mean by this?]
I mean contract, like Purchase Order, CIO terms dude, lol

Sunny Lu, [22.04.18 23:59]
Anyway, don’t speculate anything, and we respect every partner and their PR rules including BMW. When they feel ready, you guys will have it. Simple. It’s a long run guys.

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:02]
[In respone to mainnet release]
Let me emphasize this: to a regular or professional software or system project, at least 50% of time and budget should be put on TESTING part

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:03]
[In reply to Bezant — Will we have an actual mainnet release? WTC for example had a fake mainnet release.]
Who is WTC?

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:05]
Anyway, again, mainnet is well in progress and we have been testing for a while and public testing should be very soon

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:09]
Hardware wallets is actually very important topic for couple of reasons: 1. Most of enterprise will require that usually, bigger company, needs more 2. “Hardware wallet” could be a kind of form for IoT device authentication/verification

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:10]
Although, it takes time to develop and make it more adoptable to more use cases

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:11]
For scenario 1, we could talk with some partners, but for scenario 2, we may need to lay some own forces on it

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:12]
I am not talking to anyone yet

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:13]
At this stage, we are focus on mainnet launch with some unique and really innovative features. MPP is just first release and there will be more to come

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:14]
I guess you guys will love those new features. Honestly; I am pretty exciting about the white paper I have been working on for 1.5 months including those new features

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:15]
[In response to whitepaper]
This time, I start with English for everyone’s sake lol

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:15]
But sorry for my poor English, it still needs more time for wording proof and it’s really long like 100 pages already

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:17]
the upgraded white paper is actually the right thing to do since there are many new developments since 9/10
months ago

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:18]
the vision is nothing changed — let Blockchain serve the real world for new values.

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:19]
[In reply to whitepaper release]
I will say end of May or early June like when public testing launches

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:20]
[In reply to P G — Sunny, thanks from all of us from taking time out of your busy schedule to address live questions from your very enthused community! Aside from the amazing project itself, it reminds everyone why we’re here and more :)] VeChain’s community is the BEST and I actually feel bad I couldn’t come more

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:22]
[In reply to bsc44 ‘X’ — [whitepaper] will it be something you will continue to add to overtime? VeChain’s progress & development is at such a high pace.]
White paper is just like coding which needs to be iterated all the time. The last version from Chinese was based on what we have done and the ideas from 2015.11–2017.5. Now it has been almost 1 year, and it should be upgraded as well.

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:23]
And white paper will be continuously upgraded along with VeChain actual development

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:24]
[In reply to Laowai 老外 (UTC + 8) — Sunny did you say that public testing was end of may/early june or did you just mean the whitepaper?]
White paper supposes to be released before the public testing

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:26]
[In reply to Commander Qi — That would be cool if there is a section of the website for the whitepaper and it being constantly updated]
Yes, there is something in the progress for that

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:28]
In terms of payment services, since we are receiving more and more enterprise requests, we have been talking to more partners in US, SG, TH and etc.

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:30]
Honestly, Japanese FSA is quite slow and extremely cautious about everything right now especially after coincheck case last month

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:31]
The same situation is Gui’An. To any Gov, it’s the same. They are not in Crypto speed for sure.

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:33]
[In reply to Ybc — Will there be some kind of a rfid/qcard something we can load up and use to spend our precious thor.]
Who are you? How do you get this info? Someone from the core team? Or you just come up this question by your own ideas?

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:35]
Anyway, please don’t speculate, we have many ideas but we need time to prove and make it solid, and then we announce

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:35]
That’s usual practice and best practice I believe

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:40]
governance system is in Section 2 of the new white paper after preface, it’s in the top priorities. And you will see it in details, also the first bath of public services like VeVID and VeVOT is for the ways community to participate and contribute to governance of VeChain

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:41]
[In reply to bittesoep — Sunny is it true that the foundation has cloned you to keep up with all the meetings and partnerships?]
Lol, we have 85 people in the team, all good. Although, it’s true that my Melissa complained more and more

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:43]
[In reply to T —how can one contribute in the governance system a few months from now, how will it be used. Can we just use our phones from our pool?]
Laptop first and mobile later

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:45]
[In reply to T — Sunny, i would like to utilize vechain in my niche industry. Who may I contact?]
I am quite glad that they are looking for a Blockchain partner and VeChain is the answer, like usual

Sunny Lu, [23.04.18 00:47]
I gotta go fellows. Time for sleep, got up at 3am this morning.

