The Binance Smart Chain Block Explorer

Bscscan Team
2 min readSep 3, 2020


Say hello to, the block explorer for Binance Smart Chain (BSC)!

BSC provides one half of an interesting dual chain infrastructure for the Binance ecosystem. Where the Binance Chain provides a fast and secure experience for trading assets, BSC allows its users to leverage smart contract capabilities and create dApps (decentralized applications). Some of its highlights are:

  • Compatibility with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
  • Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA)
  • ~5 second block time

BscScan is brought to you by the Etherscan team. Having run a block explorer for 5 years, we do look out for new chains to build explorers for. Supporting BSC was a fitting step as Binance has been one of the largest organizations in the cryptocurrency space and is widely respected for the speed and quality of their execution.

Our block explorer supports both mainnet and testnet, and has many features that will feel right at home to those familiar with Etherscan. These include viewing transactions, validated block details, validator lists, charts, developer API endpoints and tools like the contract verification tool.

If you have any features in mind or other feedback on the platform, please feel free to share it with us. We’re excited to grow BscScan together with other exciting projects in the ecosystem.

You can also follow us on Twitter @bscscan! 👋



Bscscan Team

Offical Home of BscScan — The Binance Smart Chain community Explorer