3 Steps to Fix ‘Stack.Navigator’ cannot be used as a JSX component in React Native (expo, TS template)
- run
yarn why @types/react
pick the version (chances are you’d have more than one), which is closer to the one in your devDependencies (i.e “@types/react”: “17.0.45”), presumably the older one. - add resolutions object to your package.json with the selected version
"resolutions": {
"@types/react": "17.0.45"
3. run yarn install
all done!
4. refer to the sample repo for steps
Notice: it applies to any
with such an error (Drawer, BottomTabs…)
Steps to reproduce
- Start an expo project and chose the
blank (Typescript)
expo init rn-navigation-types-solution
2. Add reactnavigation
and its dependencies according to their manual
yarn add @react-navigation/native
expo install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context
3. Add a navigator of your choice, we’ll deal with the StackNavigator
yarn add @react-navigation/stack
expo install react-native-gesture-handler
At this point, you should have something resembling this commit
4. Add minimal sufficient boilerplate to use the navigator (use the example from their official page or my commit)
Congrats! TypeScript is now yelling at you for blindly following a bunch of documentation and/or instructions of some third-rate author =)
Steps to resolve:
- Run
why @types/react
and find out, that you have two versions of this package
2. Go to your package.json and find out which version, which looks more like the one from your devDependencies (it should not be the latest one).
3. Add resolutions to your package.json
“resolutions”: {
@types/react”: “17.0.45”
4. Run yarn install
to apply changes.
5. Check if everything is ok, by running why @types/react
In the end, you should have something like this. Error-free
Why would this happen in the first place?
Well, frankly speaking, I am not that qualified to answer this correctly but I’ll give you some leads to further research and more importantly the original post and the thread for this matter, where this is discussed in great detail.
Well, the post is really great and helpful, so I give it credit again to make sure, you check it out.
I will give you my understanding though. When we look at the git diff in resolutions commit there is a strange detail in yarn.lock
We know we had two packages of @types/react. Now with that in mind, I can see @types/react*
caused to install the latest (18) version, which is not compatible with the 17. How on Earth did the users from the thread deduce it had some relation to the “@types/react-native”
, I have no idea.
But somehow it is possible since the previously mentioned resolutions
page suggests the full spec on resolutions. And there is an example with this very situation
Bonus (don’t do this!)
Actually do, to see it for yourself.
When I faced this issue, I followed the false trail and tried to change the package to version 18 manually and got downgraded back to version 17 on expo start
command. And I was not alone
- sample repo with all the steps: https://github.com/bseleng/rn-navigation-types-solution
- create expo project: https://docs.expo.dev/get-started/create-a-new-app/#initializing-the-project
- react navigation installation: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/getting-started#installation
- stack navigator installation: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/stack-navigator
- commit with initialized app and installed dependencies: https://github.com/bseleng/rn-navigation-types-solution/commit/6d26c209f0fbc485831b17222065e02c0014feda
- Stack navigator example: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/stack-navigator#api-definition
- Reproduced problem commit: https://github.com/bseleng/rn-navigation-types-solution/commit/da927ec7ae66376c0115a04516f0f26fa7cd985f
- Yarn resolutions page: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/selective-version-resolutions/
- Fixed problem commit: https://github.com/bseleng/rn-navigation-types-solution/commit/5ebdf6167c93f87a5d541c59b82b0fac4ff90a660
- ORIGINAL POST: https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation/issues/10507#issuecomment-1105809591
- Full spec on resolutions: https://github.com/yarnpkg/rfcs/blob/master/implemented/0000-selective-versions-resolutions.md
- Resolutions problem example: https://github.com/yarnpkg/rfcs/blob/master/implemented/0000-selective-versions-resolutions.md#example
- False trail stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71816116/stack-navigator-cannot-be-used-as-a-jsx-component
- False trail, attempt to upgrade types: https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation/issues/10507#issuecomment-1103233229