raymond chua
4 min readJul 22, 2018

The First and Only Scalable Solution to Keep your Valuables both Digital and Physical under the Incorruptible Completely Safe Block Chain Umbrella


What is Vortix?

Vortix is an incorruptible Vault for Valuable Encrypted Digital Documents or Files of any kind, stored, protected, completely anonymous and confidentially secured under the BlockChain technology, with different security layers and several specific functions, which allows to share, total or partial transfer, untraceable, and unless for the one who is the holder of the key or keys, depending on the grade, impossible to open, impossible to read, impossible to know its content, and fully scale-able up to the possibility to read and burn or just burn.

The projects we are developing are:

1. MySafe, described in this White Paper

2. ThPay Vortix, and you can find a small description in this link

3. KShoppingMall Vortix, a sort of mega mall where all different kind

of stores offering high end articles and things, like books or else, will

be offered. So far we are developing Art & Collectibles, Book Store,

Travels, Unique Things, MySecondHStuff, etc.

4. XChange Vortix, what I think need no further explanation,

however will also had a different approach regarding Tokens

Treatment and Fiat Accessibility

One of the services that will be offered on the Vortix ecosystem is MySafe. It will be one of four services, which will coexist in the ecosystem powered by the blockchain.


MySAFE® is a Digital Vault (futures stages consider also a mixed online-physical version), where in order to rent it, to open it, and execute all usual transactions proper to those common bank safety box you see on the movies or currently having be doing, need the extra security layer of the need to be processed under the block chain technology, fully encrypted and incorruptible under the form of transactions. All transactions are unique.

MySAFE® is a real product, still under development, and specifically designed to keep your digital valuables and also, in further stages, now under design, to keep your physical ones too.

Using Block Chain technology we produce several layers of security, making your vault completely safe, incorruptible, secure and completely confidential, and fully transferable through Ethereum Ecosystem.

Your digital valuables leave your hands or smart phone, UBS key, data record, CD, laptop, or whatever delivery device you want to use, completely encrypted, nobody, unless you, knows the content.

3 Vaults model are expected to be release within the next 18 months:

ICO Details:

There will be 4 rounds, one every 15 days, following the PreSale .
On each round a total of 26,875,000 VTX Tokens shall be made available to purchase, making a total of 107,500,000 VTX Tokens for the all ICO rounds
On due time, Sale Price will be published and any change on conditions as well, same if new rules or restrictions, if any, are coming into place. The Basic Price of 1 VTX = 0.20 USD is the main reference to fix the price but we reserve the right to offer the VTX tokens at discount, at par or over par, depending on different market factors and conditions, also about new developments that may come on products the company is developing at the moment.

We do also reserve the right to change the timing of the ICO rounds based in market trends, conditions and our corporate strategy at any given time.

Balance of VTX Tokens is allocated for company purposes and are distributed as follows:

  1. 30,000,000 VTX for Developers Locked for 2 Years
  2. 8,000,000 VTX for Bounty Offer
  3. 7,000,000 VTX for Advisers, Employees
  4. 35,000,000 VTX shall be kept as reserve

Token Details:


Code: VTX

Technology: ERC-20 Ethereum

Tokens: 200,000,000 ONLY

Token Basic Price : 1 VTX : 0.2 United States Dollar

Token allocation and distribution:



Links to visit:

Website: https://vortix.io/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VtxToken/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VortixS

Telegram: https://t.me/VortixICO

Author: acidburn14

Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2119646