This Simple Quote Got Me Out of My Month Long Slump

Bayinnah Shah
Chronicles of a Happy Loner
4 min readJun 20, 2023


Photo by Liana Mikah

As someone who values productivity and personal growth above a great deal of things, I admit that I have been way less than active these past few weeks.

I have blamed my inactivity on my lack of energy, emotions, circumstances, and whatever other scapegoat I could find. I slipped for one day, reveling in these excuses. That one day turned into a week. That one week turned into several. Here we reach the end of this cycle.

So, what was the quote that kicked my butt in gear? Well, it’s a simple one that people hear all the time. Even I think I have heard it at some point, but this is the first time I really heard this quote.

The saying is as follows:

“You are your habits.”

You see, this quote clicked into my mind differently than it did when I first heard it. This time when I heard the quote I had done so much studying on how to maximize my life. It was like I had all these loosely connected particles of knowledge and this quote was the string that looped all those particles into a big picture.

Here is what the big picture is:

Accumulating knowledge isn’t enough

During this slump, I wasn’t completely static and I am proud of that.



Bayinnah Shah
Chronicles of a Happy Loner

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