Enhancing “Add to cart” flow of Big Basket-Idea time!

Janani B S
6 min readMar 24, 2023


There’s more than one way to skin a cat.

How might we increase the user interaction therefore increasing the conversion rate?

  1. For out-of-stock items, include a “Notify Me” option for users.
  2. Increase the font size of the “About This Product” section to make it more readable.
  3. Include a down arrow to expand the “About This Product” section, and only show relevant and important information, such as the expiry date.
  4. Reduce the pack size of the product to make it more manageable.
  5. Make the Add to Cart button prominent and easily accessible: The Add to Cart button should be prominently displayed on the product page and easily accessible to the user.
  6. Offer a Guest Checkout Option: Allowing users to checkout as a guest can reduce friction in the adding to cart flow, as some users may be hesitant to create an account.
  7. Displaying the count of items left at that particular offer price, may be count or “ selling fast” tag ( match between system n real world)

How might we increase the ease of users to add products to basket?

  1. Display the total amount while adding products to the shopping basket.
  2. Change “See more” button color from green to red.
  3. The amount the user has saved is not mentioned; consider adding this information.
  4. For out-of-stock items, include a “Notify Me” option for users.
  5. Allow users to save items for later or add them to the basket throughout the page until they exit.
Few of the ideas from my Figjam file

How might we increase the users trust on products?

  1. Include the number of reviews for each product to make the page more informative.
  2. Consider collecting reviews from users after each purchase, similar to Uber’s model.
  3. Adding reviews from users can make the page more consistent and reliable.
  4. Make sure to correct any spelling and grammar errors on the page to increase credibility.
  5. Displaying reviews can help users make more informed decisions and improve their shopping experience.

How might we make users explore page more efficiently?

  1. Consider replacing the “You may like to view more” carousel with a more efficient alternative to encourage users to explore the page further.
  2. List similar products slightly higher on the page to make them more noticeable to users.
  3. Display the amount of money a user can save on similar products to incentivize them to explore further.
  4. Mention the product quantity in similar products also.
  5. Offer Product Recommendations: Providing product recommendations based on the user’s browsing and purchasing history can encourage users to add additional items to their cart.

How might we encourage users to add more products to their cart more efficiently by displaying “View More Products”?

  1. Consider removing the drop-down menu for other languages to declutter the page.
  2. Remove the “View More Products” section for Haldims to make the page less overwhelming and reduce scrolling.
  3. Re-arrange the placement of the “View More Products” section for Breads and other categories to make it more accessible and easy to find.
  4. Use a GIF or some form of interaction to inform users of the existence of such options.
  5. Include pop-ups to help users understand or inform them about the available options.
  6. Simplify the Shopping Cart: Keeping the shopping cart simple and easy to use can reduce friction in the adding to cart flow and increase the likelihood of a user completing a purchase.

How might we improve the review cart page?

  1. An option to display system notifications in the form of pop-up messages can be added to provide status updates, such as when a task has been completed, after adding a product to the cart. (Ensuring visibility of system status.
  2. Want to repeat order? trying to help user choose their order considering their previous order (Recognition rather than recall)
  3. Having “save for later” on review page will be easy for user and it will also be efficient because instead of removing that item save to cart might increase the change of user of user to buy it.
  4. A progress bar can be incorporated to show the percentage of task completion in real-time, typically represented by a bar that fills up as the task progresses. (Integrating a progress bar)
  5. Consider adding an unlocking feature for some products priced at Rs. 9, similar to Zepto.
  6. An option to avail offers/coupons can be added to attract more users to the platform.

Other ideas

  1. An application that uses onboarding screens to educate users about similar products, reducing the need for users to recall information from previous interactions.
  2. Offer Free Shipping: Offering free shipping can be a powerful motivator for users to add items to their cart, as shipping costs can be a major barrier to purchase.
  3. Implement Abandoned Cart Emails: Sending abandoned cart emails to users who have added items to their cart but have not completed a purchase can be an effective way to encourage users to return and complete their purchase.
  4. Optimize the Checkout Process: Reducing the number of steps required, providing a clear and concise summary of the user’s purchase, and offering secure payment options.

Research notes on idea’s generated :

Displaying the total amount while adding products to a shopping basket in an e-commerce platform can impact on:

Cart Abandonment: By showing the total amount as items are added to the basket, users are more likely to have a clear understanding of the cost of the products they are interested in purchasing. This can reduce the likelihood of users abandoning their carts due to sticker shock when they reach the checkout page.

Conversion Rate: When users have a clear understanding of the total cost of their purchases, they are more likely to complete the purchase process. This can increase the conversion rate, which is the number of users who complete a purchase divided by the number of users who visit the site.

Average Order Value: By showing the total amount, users may be more likely to add more items to their basket, which can increase the average order value, or the average amount spent per order.

Customer Satisfaction: When users have a clear understanding of the total cost, they are more likely to feel confident in their purchase decision and less likely to experience buyer’s remorse. This can increase customer satisfaction and reduce the number of returns and cancellations.

Repeat Business: When customers are satisfied with their purchases and feel that they received good value for their money, they are more likely to become repeat customers and make future purchases.

Placing the product name and price above the product image is a common design choice. This layout allows users to quickly identify the product and its price before seeing the image. This can be helpful for users who are price-sensitive or who want to quickly compare prices across different products.

On the other hand, placing the product name and price below the product image can be useful for showcasing the product image first and allowing the user to focus on the details and features of the product before seeing the price. This layout can also be more visually appealing and allow for larger, more prominent product images.

Displaying the saved amount for each product is important for several reasons:

  1. Helps customers make informed decisions: Displaying the saved amount for each product helps customers understand how much they are saving on a product compared to its original price. This information can help customers make informed decisions about whether a particular product is a good value for them.
  2. Increases perceived value: Seeing the amount they are saving can make customers feel like they are getting a good deal, which can increase the perceived value of the product and make them more likely to make a purchase.
  3. Encourages repeat business: If customers feel like they are consistently getting good deals and saving money on their purchases, they are more likely to return to the website in the future.

As for the best place to position the saved amount on the page, it depends on the overall design and layout of your website or application. Some common places to position the saved amount include:

  1. Next to the product price: Placing the saved amount next to the product price can help customers quickly see how much they are saving and make a decision about whether to purchase the product.
  2. Near the product image: Placing the saved amount near the product image can help draw customers’ attention to the amount they are saving and make it more visually appealing.
  3. In the shopping cart: Placing the saved amount in the shopping cart can help customers see how much they are saving on their entire purchase and encourage them to complete the checkout process.

