Barbara Spectre-Kalergi
2 min readNov 30, 2016


Amazing article. I had no idea that this was so widespread, despite being a constant news-reader. It seems like a story the media would drool over, but don’t for some reason.

Unfortunately, I think the media and most left-wing organizations have done an about-face on child abuse. They only cover it when it suits a particular narrative, and because child abuse is rampant among LGBT and immigrants — especially those from Latin America or the MENA countries that Democrats are flooding America with in order to steal elections — the liberal/Democrat media is going to continue to cherry-pick incidents to report on.

Because child marriage/abuse/trafficking is also an important part of the Mestizo, African, and MENA cultures, I predict the left-wing party and media will actually pivot to normalizing and decriminalizing pedophilia, child pornography, and child marriage — partly to avoid offending those groups, and partly to further deculturalize and dechristianize America. (I’m not Christian, but the agenda is fairly obvious — and odious.) Whereas 20 years ago, liberals were bemoaning that all pornography victimized women, right now they’re starting to argue that pedophilia is an orientation not a crime (setting the stage for a future campaign to make this new orientation a civil right), that it’s wrong or an “ignorant phobia” to criticize FGM or other barbaric practices of favored immigrants, and that it’s “Islamophobic” to be concerned about the mass rape of German children and women by MENA migrants. They want to decriminalize the savagery and criminalize dissent.

I believe that over the next few years, we’ll continue to see racist “grooming” tactics introduced in TV and the media to promote the idea that it’s normal for native majority children to want to “date” certain men, combined with other socially engineered types of relationships, escalating to implied sex and a campaign to remove “outdated and ignorant” laws against child exploitation so that they can feature explicit sex scenes with NM children and men.

