NHP, the best hometown!

Bridget L Slaski
4 min readNov 29, 2021


New Hyde Park, a small town on Long Island were I was born and raised! It may seem like there is not much to do around there, but I will you show you some places that are cool!

1. The McMansion

This is a huge attraction to my little town! It was a mansion that was converted into a McDonald’s! Now this might sounds boring, however it is actually very cool! In the last few years it underwent a huge transformation into a very modern looking McDonalds! Me and my friends would go here all the time in high school and get food and just relax! In college, one thing I also mention is this McDonalds and how obsessed with it I am! Ill show some pictures below.


As you can see, the inside is very updated! It is very nice, I would suggest coming to New Hyde Park just to see this gem!

2. Spring Rock Golf Center

Another fun attraction in my small hometown, New Hyde Park, is Spring Rock Golf Center. The main attraction of this center is the driving range, which is a great place to go if you want to work on your golf shot r if you want to try something new with your friends! Me and my friends always used to go to this place and we always had a blast. It also has mini golf, which is very fun as well. This place also has another attraction, believe it or not! It has a restaurant in it called The Clubhouse, which is delicious! They have a great brunch menu! This is the perfect place to go to in NHP if you are bored and want to do something fun and also grab some food!


FOOD MENU | theclubhouseny

3. Umberto’s Pizzeria of New Hyde Park

This is probably the most well known thing to come out of New Hyde Park! It is a famous pizzeria called Umberto’s! They seriously have the best pizza ever, me and my family could it it every night. It is constantly winning awards for best pizza. They are so popular that they opened multiple locations all over Long Island. They even served the New York Giants a bunch of times and the players loved their pizza! Umberto’s is a must try if you ever visit New Hyde Park!


New Hyde Park Menus | Umberto’s Pizza in NY (umbertosfamily.com)

4. American Guitar Museum

The last great attraction in New Hyde Park that I will be talking about today is the American Guitar Museum. If you are into guitars or any sort of music, this is the right place for you! They have all different types of guitars that you can look at even try to play! As someone who is not very interested in guitars, I think it is still very cool to see! They also specialize in fixing guitars if you are having any problems with yours! This place is super unique and cool!



Unfortunately that is the end of my fun things to do in my small hometown, New Hyde Park! I really hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope maybe you guys will visit my hometown! It is worth it! What was your favorite spot on this list? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading!

Bridget Slaski



Bridget L Slaski

Hi! My name is Bridget and I love to travel! My blog will be showing you many different places you can travel to around the New York area.