Packing 101: How to pack for vacation!

Bridget L Slaski
3 min readOct 8, 2021


Packing; something pretty much everyone dreads, including me, and for a good reason. You want to go on vacation, not prepare for vacation. However if you go on vacation without packing, you are not going to have a good time. So here is a guide to packing for vacation so you are fully prepared and can have the best vacation ever!

1. Get all your essentials gathered.

This is definitely the most important part of the process. You need to make sure you have the things that you absolutely need. Things like this may include; your glasses, laptop, your phone charger, anything that is essential and you cannot live without. The reason you should do this first is because if you get caught up in packing clothes or toiletries, you may forget the things you absolutely need. I will link a list down below of things you NEED for vacation. You should also make a personal list of things you cannot live without. This is VERY important.

Link for travel essentials :

2. What clothes do I pack?

Clothing is the hardest part of packing, in my opinion. Deciding what to bring when you have limited space is a tough decision. But a good rule to go with is bring two more outfits than the amount of days you are going for. For example, if you are going somewhere for 5 days, pack 7 days worth of outfits just incase. You never know what could happen, you could stain your shirt, so try to be prepared. Also check the location of where you are going to see what the temperature will be like when you are going to be there. Even if you are going somewhere warm, I recommend packing sweatpants and sweatshirts, because hotels typically are cold or if you are staying by the water, it gets chilly at night. It is also good to have different options for clothing, however you don’t want to over pack because then it is hard to go through. I will link a website bellow for clothing essentials.

Link for clothing essentials (go to “Start with this clothing list:”):

3. Can’t forget your toiletries!

Toiletries are also a super important part of packing! If you forget your deodorant, you are going to smell for your whole vacation! We can’t have that happening! So make sure you bring your toiletries, I am going to list some below, let me know if I forgot any!


  1. Deodorant
  2. Purfume/Cologne
  3. Shampoo/Conditioner
  4. Makeup
  5. Toothbrush/Toothpaste
  6. Soap/Bodywash
  7. Loofah
  8. Razor
  9. Moisturizer
  10. Sun Block


This section is important for people who always want their hair to look good. Something that I personally always forget is my hair straightener, blow dryer, and curling iron. One time I went away and forgot all of these things and I looked like a crazy lady all vacation, so I am emphasizing that anyone who wants there hair to look good, make sure you bring all your hair products!!!

How I looked on vacation when i forgot my hair straightener/blow dryer/curling iron:

5. Double-Check

Last but not least, you should double check to make sure that everything is packed. This is, to me, the part where I pack the most because I am always forgetting this or that. So I highly recommend the day or night before you leave to make sure you have everything you need. Below I will link a list of things you should double check for.

Link for things to double check the night before leaving:

This concludes how I pack for vacation, I hope I was able to teach you the best way to pack. How do you pack for vacation, is it similar to how I pack?

Thanks for reading!!

Bridget Slaski



Bridget L Slaski

Hi! My name is Bridget and I love to travel! My blog will be showing you many different places you can travel to around the New York area.