Why we want Vero to succeed.

Brook Martyn
2 min readMar 1, 2018


In the last few days a fledgling social media app shot to the top of the free app charts. Vero. With many similarities to Instagram, Vero’s news feed is instead arranged chronologically, rather than by algorithm; there are no advertisements; and you can also post text statuses, links, and music recommendations.

Vero is attempting to fight back against ‘Big Data’

Vero’s business model isn’t based on serving advertisements but instead will offer access via an annual subscription. As a thank you to the first million users, Vero offered to waive their annual subscription fee, for life. This offer has since been extended until further notice due to heavy outages and issues affecting users ability to do, well just about everything! Users are unable to explore the app at all currently due to the influx of new users and server access errors.

In a world where we are pleased with the misfortune of others, perhaps to emphasise our own superiority, it seems that we are sticking with Vero for now. Vero promises to be a lot of things and it has some genuine traction with some big time influencers.

With consumers now more aware than ever of how they are being used as a product, will Vero be the company that gives users back their control? The ball is in Vero’s court right now. It’s on the verge of being the next big thing in social media if it can overcome the technical difficulties it has encountered.

Should you join? My Advice: Why not? With the subscription waiver being extended, you can become an early adopter now for free and cover your bases. Let’s hope that Vero can remain open with how they use information collected and can deliver a usable version soon. Yes, most of the news you will likely have seen over the past few days has been extremely negative. Let’s give Vero the benefit of the doubt for now and follow along with interest.

Look out for me on Vero or connect via LinkedIn:



Brook Martyn

Things I like: Travel, Music, Sports, Science, Public Health, Fitness, Technology, Philosophy, Food.