The BSN Public Chain Integration Plan — First Batch

BSN News
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2020

BSN is excited to announce the six public chains that will be integrated at the launch of the redesigned BSN International Portal. Launching on August 10th, 2020, the BSN International Portal will allow users around the world access to low-cost blockchain solutions.

BSN aims to build an internet of permissioned and permissionless blockchains, with millions of DApps, all deployed, managed, and interoperable on the BSN.

BSN is tackling the existing problem of the high cost of developing and deploying blockchain applications by providing blockchain resource environments to developers by greatly reducing costs associated with the development, deployment, maintenance, and interoperability of blockchain applications and accelerating the development and universal adaptation of blockchain technology.

BSN will offer three main services: permissioned services, permissionless services, and interchain services. Permissioned services are already running on the BSN China Portal. Due to regulations in China, permissionless services will only be available on the BSN International Portal and on international public city nodes (PCNs).

With permissioned services of Fabric and FISCO BCOS already under operation, at the launch of the new International Portal on August 10th, BSN will begin offering permissionless services with 6 public chains, they are Ethereum, EOS, Tezos, Nervos, Neo and Irisnet.

Each month, an additional 3–5 public chains will be added to the BSN International ecosystem, with focus on public chains that emphasize and encourage DApp development.

In the lead up to the launch of permissionless services, the BSN team has been working closely with the teams from Nervos, Neo, Tezos, and Irisnet, in a great collaborative effort to integrate their blockchains to the BSN ecosystem. BSN will continue to work with these teams to develop more middleware and tools to reduce the time and cost of the development of DApps.

At launch, BSN will be integrated with the EOS Dfuse APIs to allow DApp developers to build EOS Dapps easily and quickly. BSN expects to integrate the ETH Dfuse APIs at a later date.

BSN is building the BSN Interchain Communications Hub as a major part of the BSN Public City Nodes. Within the hub there will be two functions: interoperability and oracle. The first interchain framework will be IRITA and the first oracle will be Chainlink. BSN will implement a working demo of the Interchain Communications Hub in September 2020. The demo will feature a Fabric DApp, a FISCO BCOS DApp and an EOS DApp, which will be able to interact with each other through the hub. BSN will add more partners to the ICH in the future.

BSN will expand by building more public city nodes throughout the world, integrating more frameworks to the ecosystem, and supporting more BSN portals. On July 17th, the BSN Beijing portal was launched, and several other provincial BSN portals are currently under construction in China. BSN is an infrastructure that provides APIs to websites and enables them to offer BSN capabilities and functions to their developers. As BSN integrates more frameworks, they will become available on portals throughout the world.

BSN is a huge project with many different challenges, and the team is actively looking for partners to help advance the project forward. If you are interested in working with BSN, please contact

The Six Public Chains


Ethereum is a global, open-source platform for decentralized applications. On Ethereum, you can write code that controls digital value, runs exactly as programmed, and is accessible anywhere in the world.


EOSIO is a blockchain platform designed for the real world. Built for both public and private use cases, EOSIO is customizable to suit a wide range of business needs across industries with rich role-based security permissions, industry-leading speeds and secure application processing.


Tezos is an open-source platform for assets and applications backed by a global community of validators, researchers, and builders. Tezos is designed to provide the safety and code correctness required for assets and other high value use cases. Its native smart contract language, Michelson, facilitates formal verification, a methodology commonly used in mission-critical environments such as the aerospace, nuclear, and semiconductor industries.


Neo is an open-source, community driven platform that is leveraging the intrinsic advantages of blockchain technology to realize the optimized digital world of the future.


The Nervos Network is an open source public blockchain ecosystem and collection of protocols solving the biggest challenges facing blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum today.


IRISnet (a.k.a IRIS Hub) is designed to be the foundation for the next generation distributed applications. Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRIS Hub enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model, while providing a variety of modules to support DeFi applications.



BSN News

The BSN is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework global infrastructure network used to deploy and operate all types of blockchain DApps.