Unfortunately it Never Just Affects One When You’re DONE

Brett Bahnsen
2 min readNov 6, 2023

The late Tom Petty wrote a song and the lyrics are so very true “You don’t know how it feels, you don’t know how it feels, you don’t know how it feels… to be Me.” It’s almost as if he is writing to hammer home his desolate state, repeating the first line of the riff three times.

Like Petty, each of us have felt this desolation at some point in life — or maybe even right now: You’re just DONE with it. You’ve battled with ____ fill in your blank. You’re done hitting the proverbial wall. You’re grieving and no one can truly relate. You’ve been led to believe something works one way and it ended up going the opposite direction. If that’s you, you aren’t alone.

I know from my own experiences I gotta embrace the positive in difficult times. Try doing this everyday: Tell your mind that you can overcome that one thing, whatever it is. Embrace life with vigor and positivity, as it is a ripple effect — either for the good or the bad.

The realization that positive energy can have a far-reaching ripple effect is a call to action. It’s an encouragement to not only embrace our own lives with enthusiasm but to share this energy with others. By offering a helping hand, by being a source of inspiration, and by simply radiating positivity, we contribute to a brighter mosaic, understanding that when one person chooses to embrace life positively, it affects not just them but an entire community. Then ultimately we find the motivation to be bearers of light and optimism. Our actions, no matter how small, can create waves of joy that touch the lives of many.

Conversely the opposite can also be true. You can take a negative viewpoint. Petty was right, our minds are uniquely wired as our own, and we cannot always convey our deepest thoughts to the next person. But if you’re DONE with a situation or DONE with getting beaten down, the one’s closest to you aren’t, a lot of times. Their connection to you is often drastically different. It doesn’t mean either approach is right or wrong. Focusing on the sharing of positivity, and the collective effort to uplift one another, we can create a world where the ripples of happiness and struggle, learn to coexist. God has it all in his hand anyway right? So let go.



Brett Bahnsen

PUSH // Persevere Until Something Happens