Unlocking the Power of Network: Bitcoin’s ZK Proof Rollup Solution

B² Network Official
3 min readNov 7, 2023

If you find the world of Bitcoin and its related products too technical, fear not! In this article, we’ll break down the B²Network, a game-changer in the Bitcoin space, into digestible pieces.

Understanding B2 Network

B² Network is a revolutionary ZK Proof verification commitment rollup solution designed for Bitcoin. This innovative system is divided into two main layers: DA Layer and Rollup Layer.

The Rollup Layer

In the Rollup Layer, B² employs zkEVM, a native-based zk rollup solution. zkEVM is a zk virtual machine compatible with Ethereum’s EVM but with a slightly different internal structure. B² introduces account abstraction in zkEVM, supporting various types of accounts, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and web2 social accounts, while also offering gas delegation. This layer integrates Bitcoin State to enhance the security of Bitcoin transactions through zk proofs and allows for the creation of Bitcoin-based applications by dapp developers. B² also facilitates cross-chain functionality from Bitcoin to B² and provides decentralized Bitcoin Indexer services for querying Bitcoin’s status (BTC balance, BRC20 tokens, etc.). A key feature of B² is its decentralized Sequencing, accomplished through off-chain computations by B² nodes, ensuring transaction security and avoiding centralization.

The DA Layer

In the DA Layer, decentralized storage is utilized to archive and confirm rollup data. B² nodes are responsible for zk proof verification and other off-chain computations.The final settlement and confirmation are carried out on the Bitcoin Network.

B2 Nodes in Action

B² nodes operate within a multi-party blockchain model using the cosmos-sdk framework. Modules include rollup sequencer, Bitcoin indexer, Bitcoin committer, rollup zk proof verification, storage zk proof verification, and validator set. The rollup sequencer module selects a valid sequencer for a given period, achieving decentralized sequencing akin to DPoS. The Bitcoin indexer module synchronizes Bitcoin transactions, generating zk proofs for Bitcoin’s blocks and transactions that are then synchronized with the rollup. The Bitcoin committer module plays a crucial role in generating tapscripts, constructing Bitcoin transactions, and creating bit value commitments based on proof data. The rollup zk proof verification module verifies zk proof information. The storage zk proof verification module ensures decentralized storage nodes have stored the specified rollup data copies within a specified time, rewarding them upon successful verification. The validator set module maintains the validation nodes and serves as the Bitcoin layer’s Schnorr signature set for data writing to Bitcoin.

Decentralized Storage Nodes

These nodes store copies of rollup data, generate zk proofs of storage, and receive rewards upon verification by B² nodes.

The Role of the Bitcoin Network

The Bitcoin Network stores rollup data and fraud proofs based on zk proof verification’s bit value commitment. B² initiates a time-locked challenge-response on the Bitcoin Network specifically for fraud proofs. Final confirmation on the Bitcoin Network occurs only when there is no challenge within the time lock or the challenge fails.

With B² Network’s groundbreaking approach, Bitcoin transactions become more secure, versatile, and ready for decentralized applications. It’s an exciting step towards a more accessible and robust Bitcoin ecosystem.

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The most Practical Bitcoin Layer-2 Network | Exponentially expanding the Bitcoin Ecosystem.