What We Should Think About Abortion

The biblical argument against abortion

Brandon Charles
7 min readJan 24, 2024
Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash


As a Christian, I believe abortion is murder.

Of course, in today’s society abortion is a hot-button issue. This idea is only further supported by the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. At the heart of the abortion debate is the nature of terminating a pregnancy. When a woman terminates her pregnancy by destroying a developing baby, is she killing him or her? Is a woman’s right to control her pregnancy more important than the developing child’s right to life?

Supporters of abortion believe a woman should be able to choose whether to end the pregnancy if she wants to. They believe that before a certain point in the unborn child’s development, he or she is not yet human. Therefore, the pro-choice logic goes, destroying the womb would not be murder.

This is wrong.

Now, when I say this, I am bound to receive pushback from a majority of Americans. Why on earth would I support forcing women to give birth? Well, the answer to this question is found in the book of Genesis:

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1:28, emphasis added, edits by the author)

But at this level, someone who is pro-choice may begin to present counterarguments. “What if the woman is struggling financially? What if she becomes pregnant due to rape? Should that woman still be forced to have the baby?

Yes. I understand the concern, and I plan to address these issues later in the essay. But my thesis is this: abortion is murder because the Bible teaches us that life begins at conception.

God’s Plan for the unborn

Consider the following passage from Psalm 139:

For you created my inmost being;

you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful,

I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you

when I was made in the secret place,

when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes saw my unformed body;

all the days ordained for me were written in your book

before one of them came to be. (verses 13–16)

This verse is the best proof text I can give for life beginning at conception. When one reads this passage, he gets the impression that the Lord is meticulously creating a human being in the womb. The Lord is perfect, which partly means that nothing He does is a mistake. Also, the Lord is omnipresent. Since He exists outside of time and space, He knows about every single person’s life before they are born. This is how His eyes can see David’s unformed body, for example (verse 16).

However, this is not the only passage that suggests that life begins at conception. Verses like Jeremiah 1:5 and Galatians 1:15 tell us that God has a plan for our lives before we are born. For example, the Lord ordained both Jeremiah and the apostle Paul for His Plan. But this is where we hit a snag.

The reason most atheists are pro-choice is because they do not believe in God or the Bible. As a result, they do not believe that life begins at conception. This is, unfortunately, a tragic result of secularism corrupting America’s public psyche. Even though a fertilized egg has its own DNA and identity, most people don’t consider it to be a person.

Now as a Christian, I have to use the Bible as my first authority. But you don’t even need to be a Christian to understand that life begins at conception. It seems that a vast majority of scientists today would agree with me. In recent times, at least 95% of biologists believe that life begins at conception. What does this mean?

Abortion’s impact on America

This means that we have a situation where our society is being fed a lie. We have manipulated ourselves into believing that terminating a pregnancy is not murder.

This lie is so dangerous that it has killed millions of potential U.S. children, citizens, and leaders. Not only that, but this lie hurts the very people it claims to protect: women. This is why most women tend not to feel remorse after getting an abortion. But regardless of what the woman thinks of her deed, God considers it to be an abomination.

Let me be clear: most of the time a woman chooses to get an abortion, she does so because she feels like it. To pro-choice advocates, this is acceptable because an unborn baby is nothing more than “a clump of cells.”

It says something about our society if we will use such dehumanizing language to describe unborn children. The heart of America’s love of abortion stems from a lack of respect of human life. Considering our lack of respect for other human fundamentals such as gender, I think I can say that.

Abortion and the Black Community

I find this attitude particularly frustrating when talking about abortion and race. In recent years, the Black community has been very vocal about the killing of “Black and Brown bodies.” But how come we don’t recognize when we are killing our own?

Did you know that Black people get a majority of abortions in America?

Look, I’m not interested in debating whether Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, is a racist. Regardless, the reader should know that eugenics, something Sanger supported, was tied to race.

The central issue here is that Black people tend to be uncomfortably okay with abortion. I think this is the result of us believing society’s lies. It certainly doesn’t help when Black politicians repeatedly support abortion. For example, Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock calls himself a “pro-choice pastor.” This is a pastor supporting woman’s “right to choose. Here’s an example of his beliefs from an interview:

via CBN News/YouTube

Georgia Governor Stacey Abrams has also been unapologetic in her support for abortion. Back in October of 2022, she stated that “having children” is the reason why people couldn’t afford things like gas and food.

Do these sound like people who have respect for the life of Black children?

The game being run on us is so obvious, I don’t know why more people don’t see it. We are told to believe that if we have children, our lives will become worse. America truly has become a pagan, Post-Christian nation.

The “reasons” for abortion

As I alluded to earlier, pro-choice advocates give multiple “reasons” for having an abortion. These include financial difficulties, a child conceived from rape, and abortion being necessary to save a mother’s life.

Let’s go through each of these reasons one by one. I can sympathize with the woman who has financial difficulties. But we must understand that killing the child is not the correct solution to this problem. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Should we support mothers who are struggling? Yes, but in the sense that we need to reemphasize the importance of community.

Part of the reason women feel so hopeless in this area is because the lack real friends, family, or community to lean on. These are the fruits of our atomized, individualistic culture. This is partly why I argue that our nation needs to repent and turn back to God. If we repent and turn back to God, we will be reminded of the importance of church. At that point, we will have actual communities again.

That brings us to the rape scenario. Rape is a tragedy, but a child conceived via rape is still a child of God. Thus, his or her life should be protected. Rape, like all sins, is a result of the fall. Therefore, to guard against rape we must necessarily recognize the importance of repentance. If we live like sinful people, we get sinful results.

Finally, it is exceedingly rare that a pregnancy threatens a mother’s life. Some would argue that abortion is never necessary to save a mother’s life. According to this LifeNews article, over 30,000 doctors agreed that abortion is never necessary to save a mother’s life.

In all cases, abortion is necessary. There is never a good reason to abort one’s child.


Since 1973, there have been over 65,402,421 abortions performed in the United States. These are 65 million potential children who had their lives cut short by one of America’s biggest idols: the Woman.

I’m not talking about women in general. I’m talking about the Woman, the essence of America’s obsession with radical feminism. The Woman has caused multiple problems, such as men feeling useless, woman suffering in work, and sexualization running wild. Fittingly, a false god this pernicious requires a sacrifice to keep running.

We have killed almost as many people as Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin combined. I want the reader to read that sentence again. Our disrespect for unborn life is so egregious, it’s almost as bad as radical environmentalism. Both of these ideologies seek the destruction of the human race, albeit in different ways.

What’s the solution? Repentance. We must do everything we can to make sure every state in this country makes abortion illegal.

Millions of lives are at stake.

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