How to join BTCx Crowdsale

BTCx Project
3 min readDec 11, 2017


BTCx Crowdsale Address: 0xEA091331357959a265B0075A3c084d7D92E2e176


Step 1: Go to

You will be prompted to create yourself an Ethereum wallet. Just type in a secure password and press on the blue button below.

Step 2: Save your Wallet File.

Your wallet has been generated following some RNG (random number generator) algorithm. Now you should save this file on a device you know is safe; such as a USB-Stick or computer. Then click on the red button.

Step 3: Print paper wallet or a QR code

The best way to secure your private key is to click on the ‘Print Paper Wallet’ button and print out the image. Place this paper wallet in a secure place.

Click on “Next: Save your Address” to proceed.

Step 4: Select an option to access your wallet.

There are 5 options to access your ethereum wallet — the two easiest ones are Private Key and Keystore File. We selected Private Key and typed the code saved in step 3. Now click on ‘Unlock’ to open up your Ethereum Wallet on MyEtherWallet. After that your ethereum wallet will be ready.

Step 5: Fund your wallet

After unlocking your myEtherWallet, you can see your public address. This is the address you need to send Ethereum to. Important detail: You can’t send BTC. If you don’t already have ETH, you can easily convert BTC to your new ETH address over

Step 6: Join the BTCx Initial Coin Offering

When the initial coin offering starts, you need to send ether over the menu ‘Send Ether & Tokens’ to the address stated in the ICO. After the initial coin offering finishes, you will automatically get the token over a smart contract to your MyEthereumWallet.

Send ETH to this address: 0xEA091331357959a265B0075A3c084d7D92E2e176

What is BTCx?

BTCx aims at improving the functionality and sorting out the volatility and uncertainty caused by the infigting within the Bitcoin community.

BTCx will be distributed with ICO , so you can take your BTCx and trade it on Exchanges.

BTCx is the most advanced version of Bitcoin with faster, smarter and more secure transaction and lower transfer fees.

Privacy Matters! BTCx has private transactions so you can trade safe!

Quick summary of BTCx ICO

Hardcap: 14.700.000 BTCx

1 BTCx = 0.005 ETH

