A Mom’s Ultimate Guide to Baby Essentials

Bridgette Tuquero
4 min readSep 7, 2023


my three babies

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

I am a mom of three babies and have raised two babies under two-years-old and three under four-years-old so friends and family often ask me what are my go-to baby essentials. I want to help other moms make the best decisions for themselves. I hope you find these resources helpful!

Below are my favorite baby items, I recommend putting these on an Amazon baby registry. Amazon’s baby registry has a great selection, and it makes it so easy and affordable for friends and family to purchase items and ship them directly to your home.


  • love to dream swaddles: I am a big fan of Love to Dream Swaddles because you can easily zip them up in order to swaddle your baby!
  • humidifier: I like this Steamfast SF-920 Warm Mist Humidifier because you can easily refill it with its detachable tank with a handle. A humidifier helps your baby breathe especially when they’re congested!
  • baby monitor: we are agnostic to monitors, we just recommend buying a highly rated, basic one because we bought one of the fancier monitors and were disappointed because it was rarely accurate


  • diaper pail: diaper genie allows you to throw away dirty diapers while masking the foul odor, the amazon brand refills work with the diaper genie. I recommend buying two diaper pails. We have one in the baby’s room and another one in our family room for convenience.
  • baby wipe warmer: for those diaper changes in the middle of the night when you don’t want to stir up the baby with a cold wipe
  • diapers: Costco brand Kirkland diapers have worked well and are far less expensive than name brands
  • water wipes: Costco brand Kirkland wipes have worked well, but I recommend using water wipes for their first three months because their skin is especially sensitive
  • aquaphor diaper cream: I prefer the tubes because they are more hygienic than using the big jars and they’re more convenient to travel with and stick in a diaper bag


  • comotomo bottles: dishwasher safe, microwavable, and all three of my babies easily drank from them!
  • muslin burp cloths: you cannot have enough of these!
  • if you’re formula feeding, I also recommend the Costco Kirkland brand, it seems to have the same ingredients as the more expensive brands but is far less expensive.
  • ingenuity smartclean 3-in-1 high chair: When they start eating solids, you’ll need to put them in a high chair. I love this high chair because you can easily wipe every part down, it grows with them, and is stylish!
  • cooper pearl bibs: helps keep your baby clean from all their spit up and drool so you don’t need to constantly change them.




  • zoe stroller: extremely lightweight material
  • car seats: you’ll need to buy an infant car seat and buy another car seat when they get bigger, I’m a fan of this car seat because it grows with them until they’re 120 lbs
  • baby carrier: key for being hands-free when the baby insists on being carried

when your baby gets sick, you want these items right away, so I recommend having them on hand


  • nasal aspirator, yes to suck out the boogers out of your baby’s nose
  • boogie wipes
  • gripe water, when they were fussy and crying even after we fed them, burped them, and changed them, this made them quiet haha
  • this mirror helps out for tummy time
  • baby bjorn: I too balked at the cost and never considered purchasing one until I had my third baby. We were at a neighbor’s house who had one and placing my baby in the baby bjorn put my baby at ease and allowed me to be hands free. I highly recommend having one!
  • this jumper has been clutch when my babies turned 4 months, they got a workout and were entertained for a good 20 min lol

I hope you found this helpful! You are going to be an awesome mama ❤

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Bridgette Tuquero

disciple, wife, mom, army veteran, tech startup ops leader, and assistant professor of military science at villanova