Skype Alternative for Making Free Online Video Calls

3 min readJan 8, 2019


My friend “Chris” is staying at our house for a couple of months and although on vacation, he still has to work. Luckily for most people today, part of your job probably entitles working online. Wether it be checking your emails, updating a website or making an online call, many people only require an internet connection to complete their work tasks.

Chris works in the alternative medicine field and mostly works via video chat for one on one consultations. His choice of tool is Skype. You probably have Skype installed or already use it. It was once the most used messaging app at one time but now finds itself in 5th place as of 2018, behind WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat and QQ Mobile. A relatively new app is climbing up the charts, look out for Telegram launched in 2013 and gaining more users rapidly.

So Chris is working in his room and we hear a big bang. Wondering if everything is ok, I knock on his door and offer him a cuppa. He says a straight angry “No!”. Somethings wrong. Eventually we find out that the problem is Skype. Another update. Just as Chris was about to make an important Skype call for his work, Microsoft decided to run a Skype update. When the update finally completed, Chris could not log back in. Eventually after logging back in, Skype was now in Spanish and all Chris’s contacts had vanished. Chris missed a very important video call and the reason for the big bang was his fist going through his laptop.

The problem with really good services is they become owned by billionaire monopolies who really have no thought about anything else but making big money. They see something that has huge potential to take money from its users so they buy it and implement ways to take your money. The functions of the app change, things are added and made available for paying users only and with this comes larger terms and privacy policies and as the laws change, updates become more frequent. It is all about your data and making money with it and what the big business can get away with. Skype was once my first choice of messaging service, now I use something without all the hassle.

One of the biggest problems with most messaging services or apps is the constant updates. Features you liked and were easy to access become lost somewhere else. Another big problem is people really like their privacy, the billionaires want your data, it makes them money. Verifying your ID, address, phone number, passport, we have all sent off some form of our personal data just so we can video chat with a friend or do our job. You shouldn’t need to submit anything to prove who you are, the internet is a public service. Skype has become a nightmare to use since Microsoft bought it, especially if you like your privacy and hate annoying updates!

Free Call Me is a new service and has taken away all the pain involved when making an online video call. It offers two variations of call, “one to one private” or “group video chat”. There is no registration, no verification and as it is browser based, no annoying updates. Choose what type of call you want to make and send the generated link to the person you want to video chat with. As soon as they click that link, you connect to each other via video chat. It is basically a disposable video chat, you end the call, it’s gone for good. Very easy to use and video chat quality is fantastic.

Chris has given this a try and tells me it works much better than Skype. So if you are looking for a good alternative to Skype, try out Online Video Call here

