95% of ICOs claim to be blockchain projects …. But, it’s not true

Bubbletone Blockchain in Telecom
1 min readJun 12, 2018


Bobby Lee co-founder of the oldest Chinese currency exchange BTCC said that it is necessary to distinguish blockchain projects and databases.

According to Bobby Lee: “… Everyone using a digital ledger is calling it Blockchain, w/o regards to functionality. Complete intellectual dishonesty!”.
This statement is consonant with the recent comments of the famous “bitcoin evangelist” Andreas Antonopoulos, who noted that insufficiently decentralized detachments are unattractive.

Antonopoulos is sure that the technology without decentralized principles was a “very bad database.”

Lee also added that: “95% of ICOs claim to be blockchain projects, although in fact they are just databases …. All data going into the Blockchain needs to be independently & publicly verifiable .”



Bubbletone Blockchain in Telecom

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