Sending Attachments as Links in Outlook

Christian Buckley
REgarding 365
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2020

One of my favorite productivity tips!

If you’ve spent any amount of time collaborating on a document with people on a single artifact, the multiple ways in which you can co-edit files has been a massive leap forward in technology. I started my career as a technical writer and then a business analyst, and throughout my career spent countless hours chasing people for their input, and then had to merge, stare-and-compare, and edit. One of the more frustrating aspects of collaboration is that people duplicate content: people make an edit, then send their edited version as an email attachment rather than edit the shared version provided in SharePoint, OneDrive, or another cloud platform.

Please stop doing this! Turn revision marks on in your document, upload your file to one of your many cloud options, and send a link instead of an attachment!

Did you know that you can set your own default send option in your Outlook client? That’s right. Practice safe collaboration, people, and make this change today! This productivity tip is not in any way a new feature, but I find myself regularly telling people about it, so I thought I would share again here. This tip comes from the Microsoft support archives, and was one that I shared in the July 2019 Productivity Tips webinar, which you can watch in its entirety or download the slides, or jump to this exact tip in the video by clicking here.

Check out this productivity tip over on

Originally published at buckleyPLANET.



Christian Buckley
REgarding 365

Microsoft RD & MVP, marketing + alliance guy, #CollabTalk tweetjams + podcast, collaboration expert, new wave music fan, #Zune